Galatians 5:1,2.Christ died to set us free from sin and from a long list of rules and regulations. Christ came to set us free, not free to do whatever we want because that would lead us back into slavery to our selfish desires. Rather, thanks to Christ, we are now free and able to do what was impossible before, to live unselfishly. Those who appeal to their freedom so they can have their own way or indulge their own desires are falling back into sin. But it is also wrong to put a burden of law keeping Christian's. We must stand against those who would enslave us with rules, methods or special conditions for being saved or growing in Christ.
Galatians 5:3,4. Trying to be saved by keeping the law and being saved by grace are two entirely different approaches. ‘'Christ will be of no value to you at all,’’means that Christ’s provision for our salvation will not help us if we are trying to save ourselves. Obeying the law does not make it any easier for God to save us. All we can do is accept his gracious gift through faith. Our deeds of service must never be used to try to earn God’s love or favor.
Galatians 5:6. We are saved by Faith, not by deeds. But love for others and for God is the response of those whom God has forgiven. God’s forgiveness is complete and Jesus said that those who are forgiven, must love. Because Faith expresses itself through love, you can check your love for others as a way to monitor your faith.
Galatians 5:14,15.When we believers lose the motivation of love, we become critical of others. We stop looking for good in them and see only their faults. Soon we lose our unity. Have you focused on others shortcomings instead of their strengths? Remind yourself of Jesus’ command to love others as you love yourself. When you begin to feel critical of someone, make a list of that person’s positive qualities. When problems need to be addressed, confront in love rather than gossip!!
Galatians 5:19-21. We all have evil desires, and we can’t ignore them. In order for us to follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we must deal with them decisively. These desires include obvious sins such as sexual immorality and witchcraft. They also include less obvious sins such as selfish ambition, hatred, and jealousy. Those who ignore such sins or refuse to deal with them reveal that they have not received the gift of the Spirit that leads to a transformed life.
Galatians 5: 25,26. God is interested in ever part of our lives, not just the spiritual part. As we live by the Holy Spirits power, we need to submit every aspect of our lives to God, emotional, physical, social. The Holy Spirit is the source of your new life, so keep in step with his leading. Don’t let anything or anyone else determine your values and standards in any area of your life. Everyone needs a certain amount of approval from others. But those who go out of their way to secure honors or to win popularity become conceited and show they are not following the Holy Spirit’s leading. Seek to please God and the approval of others won’t seem so important.
A little yeast can cause a whole lump of dough to rise and it only takes one wrong person to infect all the others.
Image reference: allaboutgod.net
G.Z. K.Z.
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