Psalm 103:1-6. David’s praise focused on the good things God was doing for him. It is easy to complain about life, but David’s list gives us plenty for which to praise God. He forgives our sins, heals our diseases, redeems us from death, crowns us with love and compassion, satisfies our desires, and gives righteousness and justice. We receive all of these without deserving any of them. No matter how difficult your life’s journey, you can always count your blessings, past, present and future. When you feel as though you have nothing for which to praise God, read David’s list !!
Psalm 103:7-11. God’s law was given first to Moses and the people of Israel. God’s law presents a clear picture of God’s character and his will for his people. It was God’s training manual to prepare his people to serve him and to follow his ways. Review the Ten Commandments and the history of how they were given, asking God to show you his will and his ways through them.
Psalm 103: 12,13. East and west can never meet. This is a symbolic portrait of God’s forgiveness, when he forgives our sin, he separates it from us and doesn’t even remember it. We need never wallow in the past, for God forgives and forgets. We tend to dredge up the ugly past, but God has wiped our record clean. If we are to follow God, we must model his forgiveness. When we forgive another, we must also forget the sin. Otherwise, we have not truly forgiven. God is like a father, tender and compassionate. Not every child has a tender and compassionate father. Too often, sadly, the cycles of abuse and dysfunction rob children of loving Fathers. If that is your situation, God offers himself to you to be the father you never had or perhaps felt you never needed. Of course, you can’t go fishing with God or be held physically by him, but you can receive his love in your heart by means of his Holy Spirit. God can tenderly heal your deep lose.
Psalm 103:14. We are fragile, but God’s care is eternal. Too often we focus on God as Judge and Lawgiver, ignoring his compassion and concern for us. When God examines our lives, he remembers our human condition. Our weakness should never be used as a justification for sin. His mercy takes everything into account. God will deal with you compassionately. Trust him.
Psalm 103:20-22. Everything everywhere is to praise the Lord, all angels, mighty ones and heavenly host, and all his works !!! Praising God means remembering all he has done for us, fearing him and obeying his commands and doing his will. Does your life Praise the Lord???
God doesn’t want your IQ, he wants you I WILL!!!!!
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