An old man was in serious discussion with a younger man about life and his plans for his life. The young man said he was going to work hard and accumulate a lot of wealth. What then the old man ask? With all of my wealth I will get noticed in the community and workplace and standout. What then the old man ask ? After I have all of the things in life that I need I will retire and take it easy for a long time. What then the old man ask ? Well I guess I will grow old and someday die. Sounds like you have a plan replied the old man. But what then ????
Money, stocks, bonds, jewels are just a few of the things that will not make it into heaven. The word of God is eternal and it will be the only thing that we take with us when we leave this earth. Whenever anything gets in between us and God, the thing that is in the middle will disappear sooner or later. You may not lose what you accumulate but you may lose something far more important. Do you ever find yourself giving God a timetable to answer a certain prayer ?
It never works out giving the creator of time a timetable to work on. God will target whatever comes in between us and him.
What about the couple that started going to church every Sunday, giving to the church and setting on the front row. There life was going great, they were financially blessed and everything was going as planned. After a while they started moving further and further back in the church, they eventually ended up on the back row. Finally they were out of the door and never returned. There life was so blessed that they bought a luxury weekend get away and the best time for a weekend get away is Friday, Saturday and Sunday. They took God out of their life, they no longer had time for him. So What Then ?? Well after losing the weekend get away, they eventually lost there primary residence as well. Their were trillions of dollars lost in the crisis of 2008. God got the attention of a lot of people who had put all of there trust and security in there money and possessions. God will remove whatever it is that comes between us and him. So What Then ??????????????????
Heavenly Father, I put you first and I know that you will align everything in my life according your order and time table, not mine.
Image reference;Brokentelegraph.com
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