Have you ever stopped to think about the person that you seen holding the; Will Work For Food sign. Most people try real hard not to make eye contact or help them in any way. They get called names, laughed at and made fun of. God has been working on me for a long time now about the homeless. No one ever stops to think about the person, there childhood, there life, the events in there life that has brought them to the place of holding a sign on the street corner. We seem to be able to sense people who have gone thru or are going thru some type of problems or addictions. This too is from the Lord! We go thru things in life to be there for others who are in need.
We once went on a fishing trip out of Port A and the first thing I noticed was one of the deckhands. I knew he had a drinking problem, although he was sober at the time he had a story that I wanted to know. On the way back in I asked the captain about him and he told me that the man was a former surgeon from Houston who’s entire family was killed in an auto accident and he was never able to pull himself out of the loss. These are the people called street people. Each and every person has a story and you will never know it until you know the person. We now seek out the so called street people more than ever.
I choose to walk up and get to know the person. The first time I went up to a homeless man on the street and introduced myself and reached my hand out, he reached back with a long over due hand shake. We talked, prayed and I gave him a gift card with a little cash. Before I left he asked me if he could shake my hand again. That hand shake and conversation meant the world to Roy who stands on the corner most evenings by Wal-Mart and Jack-in-box. The other day I gave him his first Bible ever, and Roy is not young. There is also another man who pushes a shopping cart around with all of his possessions inside, his name is Joe. Amazing isn’t it, these people have real names, just like me and you.
The first time I visited with Joe, I shook his hand, we talked, prayed and I left him with a Bible and some cash inside, I seen him today and guess what he was reading !!! People always say never give money to the homeless, and I say it’s there life, they can live it as they choose and I can do what I want with my money. As long as we are able we will give !!
My wife and I are going to meet these two men at least once a week where they live, on the streets. I feel as if God is going to put many more in our path. I pray that people will look at these street people a little different. After all they are just like me and you, besides for having some serious blows along the road of life. It is totally amazing what a kind word, a hand shake and some conversation can do to the spirit of a person.
Wealth, luxury, and ease can make people feel confident, satisfied, and complacent, but no matter how much you possess or how much money you make, you have nothing if you don’t have a vital relationship with Christ. How does your current level of wealth affect your spiritual desire ???
They are called street people, holding signs, but we are all alike in Christ and Christ calls on us to help one another!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you intentionally keep his life-changing presence and power on the other side of the door ???
Image reference; voices.washingtonpost.com
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