Timothy 4:1,2. The ‘’later times’’ began with Christ’s resurrection and will continue until his return when he will set up his kingdom and judge all humanity. False teachers were and are still a threat to the church. Jesus and the apostles repeatedly warned against them. It is not enough that a teacher appears to know what he is talking about, is disciplined and moral, or says that he is speaking for God. If his words contradict the Bible, his teaching is false. Like Timothy, we must guard against any teaching that causes believers to dilute or reject any aspect of their faith. Such false teaching can be very direct or extremely subtle. Believers ought to respond quickly when they sense false teaching being promoted. The truth does not mind honest questions. Sometimes the source may prove to be ignorant of the error and appreciate the correction. But a firm warning may at least keep potential victims from the disastrous results of apostasy that Paul described.
1 Timothy 4: 4,5. Paul said the false teachers were hypocritical liars who encouraged people to follow deceiving spirits. The false teachers refused to believe that the God of creation was good, because his very contact with the physical world would have soiled him. Though these Greek- influenced church members honored Jesus, they could not believe he was truly human. Paul knew that their teachings, if left unchecked would greatly distort Christian truth. Satan deceives people by offering a clever imitation of the real thing. we must not be unduly impressed by a teacher’s style or credentials , we must look to his teachings about Jesus Christ. His conclusions about Christ show the source of his message. In opposition to the false teachers, Paul affirmed that everything God created is good. We should ask for God’s blessing on his created gifts that give us pleasure and thank him for them. This doesn’t mean that we should abuse what God has made. We should enjoy these gifts by using them to serve and honor God. Have you thanked God for the gifts he has given? Are you using the gifts in ways pleasing to you and God?
1 Timothy 4:7,10. Are you in shape both physically and spiritually? In our society, much emphasis is placed on physical fitness, but spiritual health is even more important. Our physical health is susceptible to disease and injury, but faith can sustain us through any tragedy. To train ourselves to be Godly, we must develop our faith by using our God-given abilities in the service of the church. Christ is the savior for all, but his salivation becomes effective only for those who trust him.,
1 Timothy 4:12. Timothy was a young pastor. It would have been easy for older Christians to look down on him because of his youth. He had to earn the respect of his elders by setting an example in his speech, life, love, faith and purity. Regardless of your age, God can use you. Everyday we have many opportunities to support and inspire family members, fellow workers and even total strangers. People need help and affirmation along the way.
1 Timothy 4: 14. Highly skilled and talented athletes lose their abilities if their muscles aren’t toned by constant use. Likewise, we will lose our spiritual gifts if we don’t put them to work. Our talents are improved by exercise, but failing to use them causes them to waste away from lack of practice.
1 Timothy 4:16. We must be on constant guard against falling into sin that can so easily destroy us. Yet we must watch what we believe just as closely. We must keep a close eye, staying true to faith.
It’s only an 18’’ journey from the mind to the heart.
So why do we struggle so much with the short trip?
Image Reference: dazzeljunction.com
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