Exodus 2:1,2. Although a name is not mentioned yet, the baby in the story was Moses. Moses’ mother and father were named Jochebed and Amram. His brother was Aaron and his sister, Miriam.
Exodus 2:3. This tiny boat made of papyrus reeds was fashioned by a women who knew what she was doing. Egyptian river boats were made with the same reeds and waterproofed with tar. The reeds, which grew as tall as sixteen feet, could be gathered in swampy areas along the Nile. Thus a small basket hidden among the reeds would be well insulated from the weather and difficult to see. Moses’ mother knew how wrong it would be to destroy her child. But there was little she could do to change Pharaoh’s new law. Her only alternative was to hide the child and later place him in a tiny papyrus basket on the river. God used her courageous act to place her son, the Hebrew of his choice, in the house of Pharaoh. Do you sometimes feel surrounded by evil and frustrated by how little you can do about it? When faced when evil, look for ways to act against it. Then trust God to use your effort, however small it seems, in his war against evil.
Exodus 2:5. Who was Pharaoh’s daughter? There are two popular explanations, 1. Some think that Hatshepsut was the woman who pulled Moses from the river. Her husband was Pharaoh Thutmose apparently Hatshepsut could not have children, so Thutmose had a son by another woman, and this son became heir to the throne. Hatshepsut would have considered Moses a gift from the Gods because now she hade her own son who would be the legal heir to the throne. 2. Some think the princess who rescued the baby Moses was the daughter of Rameses II, an especially cruel Pharaoh who would have made life miserable for the Hebrew slaves.
Exodus 2:7,8. Miriam , the baby’s sister, saw that Pharaoh’s daughter had discovered Moses. Quickly she took the initiative to suggest a nurse who might care for the baby. The Bible doesn’t say if Miriam was afraid to approach the Egyptian princess, or if the princess was suspicious of the Hebrew girl. But Miriam did approach her, and the princess bought the services of Miriam and her Mother. Their family was reunited. Special opportunities may come our way unexpectedly. Don’t let the fear of what might happen cause you to miss an opportunity. Be alert for the opportunities God gives you, and take full advantage of them.
Exodus 2:9. Moses’ mother was reunited with her baby!! God used her courageous act of saving and hiding her baby to begin his plan to rescue his people from Egypt. God doesn’t need much from us to accomplish his plan for our lives. Focusing on our human predicament may paralyze us because the situation may appear humanely impossible. But concentrating on God and his power will help us see the way out. Right now you may feel unable to see through your troubles. Focus instead on God, and trust him for the way out. That is all he needs to begin his work in you.
Exodus 2:12-14. Moses tried to make sure no one was watching before he killed the Egyptian. But as it turned out , someone did see, and Moses had to flee the country. Sometimes we mistakenly think we can get away with doing wrong if no one sees or catches us. Sooner or later , however, doing wrong will catch up with us as it did with Moses. Even if we are not caught in this life, we will still have to face God and his evaluation of our actions.
Exodus 2: 15. To escape punishment for killing the Egyptian , Moses ran to Midian. He became a stranger in a strange land, separated from his home and family. It took many years after this incident for Moses to be ready to serve God. But he trusted God instead of fearing the king. We may feel abandoned or isolated because of something we have done. But though we feel afraid and separated, we should not give up. Moses didn’t. He trusted God to deliver him, no matter how dark his past or bleak his future.
Exodus 2:23-25. God’s rescue doesn’t always come the moment we want it. God had promised to bring the Hebrew slaves out of Egypt. The people had waited a long time for that promise to be kept, but God rescued them when he knew the right time had come. God knows the best time to act. When you feel that God has forgotten you in your troubles, remember that God has a time schedule we can’t see.
Giving in to temptation is like drinking muddy water from the Nile.
Image reference;sugardoddle.net
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