Timothy 2:1 Although God is all-powerful and all knowing, he has chosen to let us help him change the world through our prayers. How this works is a mystery to us because of our limited understanding, but it is a reality. Paul based his instruction about prayer for everyone on his conviction that God’s invitation for salvation extends equally to all people. The word everyone captures the nature of the gospel. The world that God loves includes every person. He loves us as individuals whom he knows intimately. Paul urges us to pray for everyone. Our earnest prayers will have powerful results.
Timothy 2:2 We should pray for those in authority around the world so that their societies will be conductive to the spread of the gospel. Paul’s command to pray for kings is remarkable considering that Nero, a notoriously cruel ruler, was emperor at this time.[A.D.54-68] When Paul wrote this letter, persecution was a growing threat to believers. Later, when Nero needed a scapegoat for the great that destroyed much of Rome, he blamed the Roman Christians so as to take the focus off himself. Then persecution erupted throughout the Roman empire. Not only were Christians denied certain privileges in society, some were even publicly butchered, burned or fed to animals.
Timothy 2: 4 Both Peter and Paul said that God wants all to be saved, this does not mean that all will be saved because the Bible makes it clear that many reject Christ. The gospel message has a universal scope, it is not directed only to people of one race, one sex, or one national background. God loves the whole world and sent his Son to save sinners. No one is outside God’s mercy or beyond the reach of his offer of salvation.
Timothy 2: 5,6,8. Though some people there are many ways to God, in practice, each person must choose a single way. We can stand on one side of a gorge and discuss the possibility of many bridges across the abyss, but if we are determined to cross, we will have to commit to one bridge. Those who insist that there are many bridges to God usually fit one or more of the following categories: They have not committed to any bridge. They are surprised that their belief in multiple ways does not exempt them from having to choose one bridge. Their belief in many ways to God hides their true belief that finding God doesn’t really matter at all. They are convinced that arguing for many ways to God will insure that they won’t be wrong.
The facts remain, we human beings are separated from God by sin and we need a savior. A way across the abyss of sin and back to God. Only one person in the universe is our Mediator and can stand between us and God and man. Jesus sacrifice brought new life to all people. Have you let him bridge the gap between you and God?
Timothy 2:8 Besides displeasing God, anger and strife make prayer difficult. That is why Jesus said that we should interrupt our prayers, if necessary, to make peace with others. God wants us to obey him immediately and thoroughly. Our goal should be to have a right relationship with God and also with others.
Timothy 2:2 We should pray for those in authority around the world so that their societies will be conductive to the spread of the gospel. Paul’s command to pray for kings is remarkable considering that Nero, a notoriously cruel ruler, was emperor at this time.[A.D.54-68] When Paul wrote this letter, persecution was a growing threat to believers. Later, when Nero needed a scapegoat for the great that destroyed much of Rome, he blamed the Roman Christians so as to take the focus off himself. Then persecution erupted throughout the Roman empire. Not only were Christians denied certain privileges in society, some were even publicly butchered, burned or fed to animals.
Timothy 2: 4 Both Peter and Paul said that God wants all to be saved, this does not mean that all will be saved because the Bible makes it clear that many reject Christ. The gospel message has a universal scope, it is not directed only to people of one race, one sex, or one national background. God loves the whole world and sent his Son to save sinners. No one is outside God’s mercy or beyond the reach of his offer of salvation.
Timothy 2: 5,6,8. Though some people there are many ways to God, in practice, each person must choose a single way. We can stand on one side of a gorge and discuss the possibility of many bridges across the abyss, but if we are determined to cross, we will have to commit to one bridge. Those who insist that there are many bridges to God usually fit one or more of the following categories: They have not committed to any bridge. They are surprised that their belief in multiple ways does not exempt them from having to choose one bridge. Their belief in many ways to God hides their true belief that finding God doesn’t really matter at all. They are convinced that arguing for many ways to God will insure that they won’t be wrong.
The facts remain, we human beings are separated from God by sin and we need a savior. A way across the abyss of sin and back to God. Only one person in the universe is our Mediator and can stand between us and God and man. Jesus sacrifice brought new life to all people. Have you let him bridge the gap between you and God?
Timothy 2:8 Besides displeasing God, anger and strife make prayer difficult. That is why Jesus said that we should interrupt our prayers, if necessary, to make peace with others. God wants us to obey him immediately and thoroughly. Our goal should be to have a right relationship with God and also with others.
image reference; therockchurchroad.com
Some of the most valauable lessons learned in our lives come from some of the darkest times in our lives.
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