Hebrews 11:1 Do you remember how you felt when you were very young and your birthday approached? You were excited and anxious. You knew you would certainly receive gifts and other special treats. But some things would be a surprise. Birthdays combine assurance and anticipation, and so does Faith. Faith is the confidence based on past experience that God’s new and fresh surprises will surely be ours. Two words describe Faith; sure and certain. These two qualities need a secure beginning and ending point. The beginning point of Faith is believing in God’s character, he is who he says. The end point is believing in God’s promises, he will do what he says. When we believe that God will fulfill his promises even though we don’t see those promises materializing yet, we demonstrate true Faith.
Hebrews 11: 3, God called the universe into existence out of nothing , he declared that it was to be, and it was. Our Faith is in the God who created the entire universe by his word. God’s word has awesome power. When he speaks, do you listen and respond? How can you better prepare yourself to respond to God’s word?
Hebrews 11:6 Believing that God exist is only the beginning, even the demons believe that much. God will not settle for mere acknowledgement of his existence. He wants your Faith to lead to a personal, dynamic relationship. But does Faith make sense, really? Do you believe because Faith makes sense, or because Faith doesn’t need to make sense? Some Christians think people cannot understand God and should not try. Others believe that nothing true is irrational, including true Faith. The truth is; God gave us minds that should be developed and used. To ignore intellectual growth is to live a stunted and naïve life. God wants our trust and Faith, even while we ponder and wonder about so many matters mysterious to us. Even so, we do not believe in a void nor leap into the dark. Faith is reasonable, though reason alone cannot be the whole of it. So use your mind to think things through. But leave room for the unexplainable works of God.
Hebrews 11:7 As you obey God, don’t be surprised if others regard you ‘‘different’’. Your obedience makes their disobedience stand out. Remember , if God ask you to do something, he will give you the necessary strength to carry out the task.
Hebrews 11:26 True wealth is eternal. Consider the most powerful or well known people of the world, how many got where they are by being humble and gentle? Not many!! But in the life to come, the last will be first, if they got in last place by choosing to follow Jesus. Be willing to make sacrifices now for greater rewards later.
Hebrews 11: 3, God called the universe into existence out of nothing , he declared that it was to be, and it was. Our Faith is in the God who created the entire universe by his word. God’s word has awesome power. When he speaks, do you listen and respond? How can you better prepare yourself to respond to God’s word?
Hebrews 11:6 Believing that God exist is only the beginning, even the demons believe that much. God will not settle for mere acknowledgement of his existence. He wants your Faith to lead to a personal, dynamic relationship. But does Faith make sense, really? Do you believe because Faith makes sense, or because Faith doesn’t need to make sense? Some Christians think people cannot understand God and should not try. Others believe that nothing true is irrational, including true Faith. The truth is; God gave us minds that should be developed and used. To ignore intellectual growth is to live a stunted and naïve life. God wants our trust and Faith, even while we ponder and wonder about so many matters mysterious to us. Even so, we do not believe in a void nor leap into the dark. Faith is reasonable, though reason alone cannot be the whole of it. So use your mind to think things through. But leave room for the unexplainable works of God.
Hebrews 11:7 As you obey God, don’t be surprised if others regard you ‘‘different’’. Your obedience makes their disobedience stand out. Remember , if God ask you to do something, he will give you the necessary strength to carry out the task.
Hebrews 11:26 True wealth is eternal. Consider the most powerful or well known people of the world, how many got where they are by being humble and gentle? Not many!! But in the life to come, the last will be first, if they got in last place by choosing to follow Jesus. Be willing to make sacrifices now for greater rewards later.
When Faith is greater than fear, Faith wins !!!!!!
image reference; art.com
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