Ecclesiastes 5; 19-20 God wants us to view what we have with the right perspective – our possessions are a gift from God. Although they are not the source of joy, they are a reason to rejoice because every good thing comes from God. We should focus more on the Giver than the gift. We can be content with what we have when we realize that with God we have everything we need. Everyone dies , and both rich and poor end up in the grave. Many people work hard to prolong life and improve their physical condition. Yet people don’t spend nearly enough time or effort on their spiritual health. How shortsighted it is to work hard to extend this life and not take the steps God requires to gain eternal life.
God knows and directs everything that happens, and he is in complete control over our lives, even though at times it may not seem that way. How foolish it is for us to contend with our Creator, who knows us completely and can see the future. [Jeremiah18;6 &Romans 9; 19-24] Money talks , and it can confuse those who would otherwise judge fairly. We hear about bribes given to judges, police officers and witnesses. Bribes are given to hurt those who tell the truth and help those who oppose it. People who are involved in extortion or take bribes are indeed fools no matter how wise they thought they were beforehand. It is said that everyone has a price, but those who are truly wise cannot be bought at any price.
To finish what we start takes hard work, wise guidance, self discipline and patience. Anyone with vision can start a big project. But vision without wisdom will result in unfinished projects and goals. God allows both good times and bad times to come to everyone. He blends them in our lives in such a way that we can’t predict the future or count on human wisdom and power. We usually give ourselves the credit for the good times. Then in bad times, we tend to blame God without thanking him for the good times that come with it. When life appears certain and controllable, don’t let self satisfaction or complacency make you to comfortable, or God may allow bad time to drive you back to him. When life seems uncontrollable and uncertain, don’t despair. God is in control and will bring good results out of your struggles.
What makes money so magnetic and giving it away so stressful? Money measures our energy; it represents our day-to-day security. Giving away money put our work and our future at risk. Not every charity deserves your attention and you would be wise to scrutinize missionary appeals as well. But once you’ve determined that a project honors the Lord, don’t hold back, give generously and joyfully. Wisdom is the ability to see life from God’s perspective and then to know the best course of action to take. Most people would agree that wisdom is a valuable asset, but how do we acquire it? Proverbs 9;10 teaches that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Wisdom comes from knowing and trusting God then sharing the knowledge with others. Ecclesiastes 8; 16-17 Even if we had access to all the world’s wisdom, the wisest man would know very little. No one can fully comprehend God and all that he has done, and there are always more questions than answers. But the unknown should not cast a shadow over our joy, faith or work because we know that someone greater is in control and that we can put our trust in him. Don’t let what you don’t know about the future destroy the joy God wants to give you today. [ NIV]
God knows and directs everything that happens, and he is in complete control over our lives, even though at times it may not seem that way. How foolish it is for us to contend with our Creator, who knows us completely and can see the future. [Jeremiah18;6 &Romans 9; 19-24] Money talks , and it can confuse those who would otherwise judge fairly. We hear about bribes given to judges, police officers and witnesses. Bribes are given to hurt those who tell the truth and help those who oppose it. People who are involved in extortion or take bribes are indeed fools no matter how wise they thought they were beforehand. It is said that everyone has a price, but those who are truly wise cannot be bought at any price.
To finish what we start takes hard work, wise guidance, self discipline and patience. Anyone with vision can start a big project. But vision without wisdom will result in unfinished projects and goals. God allows both good times and bad times to come to everyone. He blends them in our lives in such a way that we can’t predict the future or count on human wisdom and power. We usually give ourselves the credit for the good times. Then in bad times, we tend to blame God without thanking him for the good times that come with it. When life appears certain and controllable, don’t let self satisfaction or complacency make you to comfortable, or God may allow bad time to drive you back to him. When life seems uncontrollable and uncertain, don’t despair. God is in control and will bring good results out of your struggles.
What makes money so magnetic and giving it away so stressful? Money measures our energy; it represents our day-to-day security. Giving away money put our work and our future at risk. Not every charity deserves your attention and you would be wise to scrutinize missionary appeals as well. But once you’ve determined that a project honors the Lord, don’t hold back, give generously and joyfully. Wisdom is the ability to see life from God’s perspective and then to know the best course of action to take. Most people would agree that wisdom is a valuable asset, but how do we acquire it? Proverbs 9;10 teaches that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Wisdom comes from knowing and trusting God then sharing the knowledge with others. Ecclesiastes 8; 16-17 Even if we had access to all the world’s wisdom, the wisest man would know very little. No one can fully comprehend God and all that he has done, and there are always more questions than answers. But the unknown should not cast a shadow over our joy, faith or work because we know that someone greater is in control and that we can put our trust in him. Don’t let what you don’t know about the future destroy the joy God wants to give you today. [ NIV]
If you were to take a good hard look at all of the things that influence you in your life.
What do you think you would see ??
image reference; soulwinner.com
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