Psalm 20;6-8 As long as there have been armies and weapons, nations have boasted of their power, but such power does not last. Throughout history, empires and kingdoms have risen to great power only to vanish in the dust. David, however, knew that the true might of his nation was not in weaponry but in worship; not in firepower but in God’s power. Because God alone can preserve a nation or an individual, be sure your confidence is in God, who gives eternal victory. Whom do you trust?? Psalm 21;7 A good leader trust the Lord and depends upon his unfailing love. Too often leaders trust in their own cleverness, popular support or military support. But God is above all these God’s. If you aspire to leadership, keep the Lord God at the center of your life and depend on him. His love will keep you from stumbling.
Because David trusted in God, God would not let him be shaken. When we trust in God we have permanence and stability. We may lose a great deal, families, jobs, material possessions, but we cannot be shaken from God’s favor. He will be our foundation of solid rock. He will never leave or desert us.
Psalm 21:11 When you see evil schemes unfold, remember that they will not succeed forever. The power of evil doers is only temporary, and God’s very presence would send them scattering in a moment. God, according to his plan and purpose, will intervene for his people and give the wicked the judgment they deserve. We should not be dismayed when we see the temporary advantage God’s enemies have. Psalm 22:6 When others despise us and heap scorn upon us, they treat us as less than human. After much degradation, we like David, could begin to feel like worms. When we feel the sting of rejection, we must keep in mind the hope and victory that God promises us.
Psalm 22:30,31 Unborn generations are depending on our faithfulness today. As we teach our children about the Lord, so will they teach their children and their children’s children. If we fail to tell our children about the Lord, we may be breaking the chain of God’s influence in generations to come. We must view our children and all the young people we meet as God’s future leaders. If we are faithful in opportunities today, we may well be affecting the future. If we want our children to serve the Lord, they must hear about him from us, it is not enough to rely on the church or those with more knowledge to provide all their Christian education. We must reinforce the lessons of the Bible in our homes. [NIV]
If you are concerned about something that is going to happen tomorrow, ease your mind. God is already there.
Because David trusted in God, God would not let him be shaken. When we trust in God we have permanence and stability. We may lose a great deal, families, jobs, material possessions, but we cannot be shaken from God’s favor. He will be our foundation of solid rock. He will never leave or desert us.
Psalm 21:11 When you see evil schemes unfold, remember that they will not succeed forever. The power of evil doers is only temporary, and God’s very presence would send them scattering in a moment. God, according to his plan and purpose, will intervene for his people and give the wicked the judgment they deserve. We should not be dismayed when we see the temporary advantage God’s enemies have. Psalm 22:6 When others despise us and heap scorn upon us, they treat us as less than human. After much degradation, we like David, could begin to feel like worms. When we feel the sting of rejection, we must keep in mind the hope and victory that God promises us.
Psalm 22:30,31 Unborn generations are depending on our faithfulness today. As we teach our children about the Lord, so will they teach their children and their children’s children. If we fail to tell our children about the Lord, we may be breaking the chain of God’s influence in generations to come. We must view our children and all the young people we meet as God’s future leaders. If we are faithful in opportunities today, we may well be affecting the future. If we want our children to serve the Lord, they must hear about him from us, it is not enough to rely on the church or those with more knowledge to provide all their Christian education. We must reinforce the lessons of the Bible in our homes. [NIV]
If you are concerned about something that is going to happen tomorrow, ease your mind. God is already there.
Image reference; therealmimi.wordpress.com
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