JOB1:1 Job, the main character of the book, lost all he had through no fault of his own. As he struggled to understand why all this was happening to him, it became clear that he was not meant to know the reasons. He would have to face life with the answers and explanations held back. Only then would his faith fully develop. We must experience life as Job did – one day at a time and without complete answers to all of life’s questions. Will we, like Job, trust God no matter what ? Or will we give in to the temptation to say that God doesn’t really care? As we see calamity and suffering in the book of Job, we must remember that we live in a fallen world where good behavior is not always rewarded and bad behavior is not always punished.
JOB 1:5 Job showed deep concern for the spiritual welfare of his children. Fearful that they might have sinned unknowingly, he offered sacrifices for them. Parents today can show the same concern by praying for their children. This means sacrificing some time each to ask God to forgive them, to help then grow, to protect them and to help them please him.
JOB 1:6 -7 The bible speaks of other heavenly councils where God and the angels plan their activities on earth and where angels are required to give account of themselves. Because God is creator of all angels-both of those who serve him and those who rebelled, he has complete power and authority over them. Satan, originally an angel of God, had become corrupt through his own pride. He has been evil since his rebellion against God. Satan considers God as his enemy. He tries to hinder God’s work in people, but he is limited by God’s power and can do only what he is permitted. Satan is our enemy because he actively looks for people to attack with temptation.
JOB 1:9 Satan attacked Job’s motives, saying that Job was blameless and upright only because he had no reason to turn against God. Every since he had started following God, everything had gone well for Job. Satan wanted to prove that Job worshiped God, not out of love, but because God had given him to much. Satan accurately analyzed why many people trust God. They are fair weather believers, following God only when things are going well, or for what they can get. Adversity destroys this superficial faith. But adversity strengthens real faith by causing believers to dig their roots deeper into God in order to withstand the storms. How deep does your faith go? Put the roots of your faith down deep into God so that you can withstand any storm you may face. [NIV]
JOB 1:5 Job showed deep concern for the spiritual welfare of his children. Fearful that they might have sinned unknowingly, he offered sacrifices for them. Parents today can show the same concern by praying for their children. This means sacrificing some time each to ask God to forgive them, to help then grow, to protect them and to help them please him.
JOB 1:6 -7 The bible speaks of other heavenly councils where God and the angels plan their activities on earth and where angels are required to give account of themselves. Because God is creator of all angels-both of those who serve him and those who rebelled, he has complete power and authority over them. Satan, originally an angel of God, had become corrupt through his own pride. He has been evil since his rebellion against God. Satan considers God as his enemy. He tries to hinder God’s work in people, but he is limited by God’s power and can do only what he is permitted. Satan is our enemy because he actively looks for people to attack with temptation.
JOB 1:9 Satan attacked Job’s motives, saying that Job was blameless and upright only because he had no reason to turn against God. Every since he had started following God, everything had gone well for Job. Satan wanted to prove that Job worshiped God, not out of love, but because God had given him to much. Satan accurately analyzed why many people trust God. They are fair weather believers, following God only when things are going well, or for what they can get. Adversity destroys this superficial faith. But adversity strengthens real faith by causing believers to dig their roots deeper into God in order to withstand the storms. How deep does your faith go? Put the roots of your faith down deep into God so that you can withstand any storm you may face. [NIV]
Have you ever thought about this? Everyday you are involved with or interact with a large group of people and for most of those people you, yes you, are the only Bible that those people will ever read. They will read you in the way you talk and treat others, how you handle different situations. You are a walking Bible and there are alot of people reading you this very minute.
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