Saturday, July 10, 2010


Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Faith in God does not make troubles disappear; it makes troubles appear less frightening because it puts them in the right perspective.Don't expect everyone to react favorably when you share something as dynamic as your Faith in Christ. Some people will be jealous,afraid,or threatened. Expect some negative reactions and remember that you must be more concerned about serving God than about the reaction of other people.
Many Christians become furstrated and defeated because their needs,wants expectations and demands are not immediately met when they believe in God. They become impatient and want to quit. Stand firm in courage and Faith and continue to believe. Material things should be among the least satisfying of rewards. Our best and greatest rewards await us in eternity.
Do you remember how you felt when you were very young and your birthday was approaching? Always excited and anxious. You knew that you would receive a gift or maybe even a surprise. Birthdays combine assurance and anticipation and so does Faith. When we believe that God will fulfill his promises even though we don't see those promises materializing yet, we demonstrate true Faith. We cannot have everything we pray for as if by magic, but with Faith , we can have everything we need to serve him. The attitude of trust and confidence that the Bible calls Belief or Faith is not something we can obtain without help. Faith is a gift from God. Faith is not stored away like money in the bank.Growing in Faith is a constant process of daily renewing our trust in Jesus.
Our Faith must go beyond what we believe, it must become a big part of what we do, resulting in spirtual maturity. Salvation does not depend on good deeds, but it will result in good deeds.

Trust God in every situation. There are eternal reasons for temporary trails, so be thankful that your destiny is in Gods hands, not human hands.

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