Sometime the day can go on and on seeming never to end, and on the days that everything seems to be going wrong make it that much longer. It’s easy to get down and discouraged with just about everything on days like these.
If we are fortunate we live in an environment with understanding people, but many times that is simply not the case. Some people can be anything but understanding. There are times when an encouraging word can perform miracles in a persons life. Think of all of the parents in the world who watched there young child almost make that first step only to fall. After that we were all encouraging our young ones continually until they mastered the famous first step that we all remember. In Acts 5-36, the word Barnabas means the son of encouragement. To encourage someone is a simple easy way of giving one hope and a blessing at the same time. Encouragement changes your performance, it keeps you going forward and it helps you bare the load that you are under a lot better. Just like the young child making that first step, sometimes circumstances in life make us wobble and fall down, but with encouragement we can get ourselves up and try again.Hebrews 3-13, But encourage one another daiy, as long as it is called today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. Each day we have many opportunities to support and inspire family members, fellow workers, and even total strangers. Sometime people need help and affirmation along the way. It’s a simple gift and act of love God has given us to use to help one another. The sad thing is that there is not enough of it being used. One of the simple things I like to do when I stop at a quick stop store and notice a new employee behind the counter struggling with the machine and the supervisor looking over there shoulder is to tell them that they are doing a much better job than I could do, then I always tell them to have a blessed day. I have been told [thank you I needed that] more times than you can imagine. Remember that even in the midst of turmoil, God is in control.
If we only knew the pain and suffering of others that we meet, Our patience would have no bounds.
image reference: www.spirtualoasis.wordpress.com
If we are fortunate we live in an environment with understanding people, but many times that is simply not the case. Some people can be anything but understanding. There are times when an encouraging word can perform miracles in a persons life. Think of all of the parents in the world who watched there young child almost make that first step only to fall. After that we were all encouraging our young ones continually until they mastered the famous first step that we all remember. In Acts 5-36, the word Barnabas means the son of encouragement. To encourage someone is a simple easy way of giving one hope and a blessing at the same time. Encouragement changes your performance, it keeps you going forward and it helps you bare the load that you are under a lot better. Just like the young child making that first step, sometimes circumstances in life make us wobble and fall down, but with encouragement we can get ourselves up and try again.Hebrews 3-13, But encourage one another daiy, as long as it is called today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. Each day we have many opportunities to support and inspire family members, fellow workers, and even total strangers. Sometime people need help and affirmation along the way. It’s a simple gift and act of love God has given us to use to help one another. The sad thing is that there is not enough of it being used. One of the simple things I like to do when I stop at a quick stop store and notice a new employee behind the counter struggling with the machine and the supervisor looking over there shoulder is to tell them that they are doing a much better job than I could do, then I always tell them to have a blessed day. I have been told [thank you I needed that] more times than you can imagine. Remember that even in the midst of turmoil, God is in control.
If we only knew the pain and suffering of others that we meet, Our patience would have no bounds.
image reference: www.spirtualoasis.wordpress.com
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