So many people drive by a church only to talk themselves out of stopping and coming inside. Even though deeply inside they have a great need for Gods word. They are afraid there clothes are not good enough, they cannot give enough, they are not in good standing in the community, there looks are not pleasing, there car is not new enough, there house is not nice enough, the people inside are high and mighty. You name it and the excuse has been used to shy away from attending a church, any church. Not one of us who has entered the house of the Lord has been perfect. We all have had things going on in our lives that may have made us feel the very same way at one time or another. Gods house is for all, there is no sign on the door with requirements to enter. Bring me your poor, your rich, your clean, your dirty, your sick, your healthy, your helpless, your broken down. All are welcome!!
The following is a true story that happened a long time ago about a poor young boy and an evangelist.
In the mid 1800’s a very poor young boy heard someone speaking the words of God and his hunger for the word continued to grow. He heard of a famous evangelist that was coming to the town that he lived near. As the day grew closer for the big event, the young boy started walking finding whatever he could to eat as the journey took a couple of days. He was determined to see the man speak. When he finally made it to the place where the event was to take place, it was crowded. As the young boy made his way to the front door a man grabbed him by the arm and asked him where he thought he was going. He replied; I have been walking for two days to get here and see this man speak the word of God. The man told the boy that he was too dirty to come inside and made him leave. But he was determined to get inside, he went all around the building and was unable to find any way in. He went back to the front of the building and sat on the steps with tears in his eyes. The crowd was now all inside. Sad and broken down, he felt helpless. All of a sudden a carriage pulled up and a big man got out and asked him what he was crying about. The young boy explained that he was told that he was too dirty to come and listen and that he should leave. The big man reached out his hand and told the young boy to grab a hold. The little boy in his worn dirty old clothes and the big man with a top hat marched straight in to the front row. The big man told the little boy to take a seat on the very front row, right in the middle of the very people who turned him away. Then the big man went on stage and began his sermon. The rest is history. That man was D.L.Moody……………. Dwight Lyman Moody February-5-1837 – December-22-1899
Sometimes the deepest blessing comes from the hardest times in our lives.
The following is a true story that happened a long time ago about a poor young boy and an evangelist.
In the mid 1800’s a very poor young boy heard someone speaking the words of God and his hunger for the word continued to grow. He heard of a famous evangelist that was coming to the town that he lived near. As the day grew closer for the big event, the young boy started walking finding whatever he could to eat as the journey took a couple of days. He was determined to see the man speak. When he finally made it to the place where the event was to take place, it was crowded. As the young boy made his way to the front door a man grabbed him by the arm and asked him where he thought he was going. He replied; I have been walking for two days to get here and see this man speak the word of God. The man told the boy that he was too dirty to come inside and made him leave. But he was determined to get inside, he went all around the building and was unable to find any way in. He went back to the front of the building and sat on the steps with tears in his eyes. The crowd was now all inside. Sad and broken down, he felt helpless. All of a sudden a carriage pulled up and a big man got out and asked him what he was crying about. The young boy explained that he was told that he was too dirty to come and listen and that he should leave. The big man reached out his hand and told the young boy to grab a hold. The little boy in his worn dirty old clothes and the big man with a top hat marched straight in to the front row. The big man told the little boy to take a seat on the very front row, right in the middle of the very people who turned him away. Then the big man went on stage and began his sermon. The rest is history. That man was D.L.Moody……………. Dwight Lyman Moody February-5-1837 – December-22-1899
Sometimes the deepest blessing comes from the hardest times in our lives.
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