Ephesians 6:10. In the Christian life we battle against rulers and authorities. To withstand their attacks, we must depend on God’s strength and use every piece of his armor. Paul is not only giving this counsel to the church, the body of Christ, but to all individuals within the church. The whole body needs to be armed. As you do battle against the powers of the dark world, fight in the strength of the church whose power comes from the Holy Spirit.
Ephesians 6:12. These who are not flesh and blood are demons over whom Satan has control. They are not mere fantasies-they are very real. We face a powerful army whose goal is to defeat Christ’s church. When we believe in Christ, these beings become our enemies, and they try every device to turn us away from him and back to sin. Although we are assured of victory, we must engage in the struggle until Christ returns, because Satan is constantly battling against all who are on the Lord’s side. We need supernatural power to defeat Satan, and God has provided this by giving us his holy spirit within us and his armor surrounding us. If you feel discouraged, remember Jesus’ words to Peter. ‘’On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
Ephesians 6:18. How can anyone pray on all occasions? One way is to make quick, brief prayers your habitual response to every situation you meet throughout the day. Another way is to order your life around God’s desires and teachings so that your very life becomes a prayer. You don’t have to isolate yourself from other people and from daily work in order to pray constantly. You can make prayer your life and your life a prayer while living in a world that needs God’s powerful influence. Praying for all the saints means praying for all believers in Christ, so pray for the Christians you know and for the church around the world.
Ephesians :19,20. Undiscouraged and undefeated, Paul wrote powerful letters of encouragement from prison. Paul did not ask the Ephesians to pray that his chains would be removed, but that he would continue to speak fearlessly for Christ in spite of them. God can use us in any circumstance to do his will. Even as we pray for a change in our circumstances, we should also pray that God will accomplish his plan through us right where we are. Knowing God’s eternal purpose for us will help us through the difficult times.
A candle with a bright flame does no good to those who are in the dark.
image reference;myspace.com
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