Jeremiah 1;5 Jeremiah was appointed by God as a prophet to the nations. God has a purpose for each Christian, but some people are appointed by God for specific kinds of work. Whatever work you do should be done for the glory of God. If God gives you a specific task, accept it cheerfully and do it with diligence. If God has not given you a specific call or assignment, then seek to fulfill the mission common to all believers, to love, obey, and serve God until his guidance becomes more clear.
Jeremiah 1;6-8 Often people struggle with new challenges lack self-confidence, feeling that they have inadequate ability, training or experience. Jeremiah thought he was only a child, too young and inexperienced to be God’s spokesman to the world. But God promised to be with him. We should not have feelings of inadequacy to keep us from obeying God’s call. He will always be with us. When you find yourself avoiding something you know you should do, be careful not to use lack of self-confidence as an excuse. If God gives you a job to do he will provide all you need to do it. God promised to rescue Jeremiah from trouble, not to keep trouble from coming. God did not insulate him from imprisonment, deportation or insults. God does not keep us from encountering life’s storms, but he will see us through them. In fact, God walks through these storms with us and rescues us.
Jeremiah 1;10 God appointed Jeremiah to bring his word to nations and kingdoms. Don’t forget in reading the old testament that, while God was constantly working through the people of Judah and Israel, his plan was to communicate to every nation and person. We are included in Jeremiah’s message of judgment and hope and as believers we are to share God’s desire to reach the whole world for him.
Jeremiah 1;11-14 The vision of the branch from an almond tree revealed the beginning of God’s judgment because the almond tree is among the first to blossom in the spring. God saw the sins of Judah and the nations and he would carry a swift and certain judgment. The problems we face may not seem as ominous as Jeremiah’s, but they are critical to us and may overwhelm us. God’s promise to Jeremiah and to us is that nothing will defeat us completely , he will help us through the most agonizing problems. Face each day with the assurance that God will be with you and see you through.
It's in those dark and insecure places that God can do his best work !!!!!
image reference; freedominchrist.net
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