So often you see the massive ships that are anchored at port and the only thing holding them in place is there anchors. You wonder how the anchors have enough strength to hold the huge ship in place, but they do. Even during a massive storm as the ship gets battered and tossed, the anchors hold. What strength, what dedication !!! We can compare our strength with that of the mighty anchor in our walk with the Lord. Is your strength in the Lord enough to with stand the storms of life? We have all experienced some sort storm in our life, if you haven’t you will. It is a natural part of life. No one goes through life without trials and test, some more than others.
Even the strongest people get tired at times, but God’s power and strength never diminish. He is never to tired or to busy to help and listen. His strength is our source of strength. When you feel all of life crushing you and cannot go another step, remember that you can call upon God to renew your strength. When God sets the anchor in our life, we will not drift off course. When caught in the storms of life, it is easy to think that God has lost control and that we’re at the mercy of the winds of fate. In reality, God is sovereign. He controls the history of the world as well as our personal destinies. Just as Jesus calmed the waves, he can calm whatever storms you face.
If you are going to believe in God in a deeper level, you are going to have to go thru a deeper situation !!!!!!!!!
Image Reference; churchleaderinsights.com
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