A secondary emotion that we all experience time and time again. Anger wears a wide array of mask, but I feel like the primary cause of anger is some type of hurt. We all struggle with anger and it creeps up so rapidly that you can hardly see it coming. It can happen in a split second, boom, your mad. Anger can be directly tied to many other emotions, un-met needs, un-met expectations, insecurity and they all end up with the same result. When you lose something of great value, or if others conspire against you and succeed, anger is the first and most natural reaction. Satan uses the tongue to divide people and pit them against one another.
Idle and hatred words are damaging because they spread destruction quickly and no one can stop the results once they are spoken. We dare not be careless with what we say, thinking we can apologize later, because even if we do, the scars remain. A few words spoken in anger can destroy a relationship that took years to build. But you can control your feelings by recognizing your reaction for what it is, praying for strength, and asking God for help to see the opportunities that even your bad situation may provide.
Aren’t we glad that there is no one recording our words when we lose our temper !!!!!!!
Image reference; wordpress.com
G.Z. @