Thou shall have no other Gods before me.
The world is full of people these days that put other things before God. It can be their possessions, power, prominence, money or many other things that cloud there view of what is truly important in life. Our fallen world is full of false lures that give many people an empty sense of security.
Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image.
Do we build or carve out meaningless images of worthless idols? God is the one and only. He is and always will be !!
Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
We are exposed to so many different type of people in a normal day that sometimes is it amazing how we are so day and night different. Although I don’t hear it as much as I used to, people still take the name of the Lord in vain. I don’t know if they are just unaware of the way they speak or they just don’t care.
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Every Sunday morning on the way to church you can see people riding bicycles, shopping, eating out, working in the yard doing all sorts of things. Most of them however do not involve worshiping the Lord. There was a span in my life as to where I was away from the Lord, but he drew me back in. If I don’t get my Sunday and Wednesday worship time my week just don’t go as well. The Lord has a way of drawing people back to him. Trouble is, sometimes people have to go thru a lot on unnecessary pain and suffering before they realize that there way is just not working.
Honor thy father and thy mother.
In this lost world with a lot of totally lost people, how many times have we witnessed dishonor toward a mother and father from their own children. Sometimes it makes you want to ring there neck yourself. It starts at home!!! I don’t think a home filled with a lot of cussing, talking down, fussing and fighting is going to create a positive environment for any child. They act and learn on what they see at home, and if they learn disrespect at home they will give it back to you. Then probably pass it on down to their own kids. The 10 people on the FBI’S most wanted list probably wouldn’t be on the list if they were first wanted at home as children.
Thou shall not kill.
First off all , what about all of the thousands of unborn children that are killed at the abortion clinics around the world. One of the largest being in Houston, Texas. I can’t even begin to imagine how broken hearted our heavenly Father is about this. Murder may be legal in the eyes of the people who work at and go to the abortion clinics, but not in the eyes of the Lord. Do people honestly think that there will not be a price to pay for this?? You cannot turn on the television set without hearing about at least one murder a day, turn the channel and you will hear more.
Thou shall not commit adultery.
Well you have to stay married long enough first. Which in some cases a couple of days will qualify. People don’t make a firm God filled commitment anymore. Grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, right?? Not always, the grass may be dead especially if God is not involved. Funny thing is that everything God is involved in seems to flourish. Sometimes you have to stand back and look at other people to see how God is working in their lives. In some cases people learn after it’s to late. God and Love work hand in hand, you can’t have one without the other.
Thou shall not steal.
Crime is rampant, everywhere. There is not a town to big or small to be affected. People will rob and steal from you anywhere and anytime. They will shoot you for a dollar and shoot you cause you don’t have a dollar. The lawless thugs that are to lazy to work and earn there own way are everywhere. And somehow the environment we create in this country of letting people get away with everything does not one bit of good. Our government chooses to pay people not to work so we can work to pay them. Enough of that, I could go on for days about the current so called government.
Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
Why is it that the human race cannot keep there mouth shut when they need to. Especially when the news that you spread will in someway hurt or discredit someone in some way. They cannot hold the news in!!
Words can be so hurtful and damaging to people and once they leave the lips it’s to late to take them back. We should be honest and creditable to our neighbor, and that is everyone.
Thou shall not covet thy neighbors house, thy neighbors wife or anything that is thy neighbors.
It could be called, keeping up with the Jones. Our neighbor gets a new car, we want a new car. Why do we want what other people have. We should be content with what God has blessed us with not what other people get. If you crave what other people have and give in, you will more than likely end up hopelessly in debt worrying about all of the things your neighbor has. Do you want the debt that comes along with it. Probably not!!! Thy shall not covet anything that someone else has, it will probably cause you much pain for the desires of others.
Thou shall have no other Gods before me.
The world is full of people these days that put other things before God. It can be their possessions, power, prominence, money or many other things that cloud there view of what is truly important in life. Our fallen world is full of false lures that give many people an empty sense of security.
Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image.
Do we build or carve out meaningless images of worthless idols? God is the one and only. He is and always will be !!
Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
We are exposed to so many different type of people in a normal day that sometimes is it amazing how we are so day and night different. Although I don’t hear it as much as I used to, people still take the name of the Lord in vain. I don’t know if they are just unaware of the way they speak or they just don’t care.
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Every Sunday morning on the way to church you can see people riding bicycles, shopping, eating out, working in the yard doing all sorts of things. Most of them however do not involve worshiping the Lord. There was a span in my life as to where I was away from the Lord, but he drew me back in. If I don’t get my Sunday and Wednesday worship time my week just don’t go as well. The Lord has a way of drawing people back to him. Trouble is, sometimes people have to go thru a lot on unnecessary pain and suffering before they realize that there way is just not working.
Honor thy father and thy mother.
In this lost world with a lot of totally lost people, how many times have we witnessed dishonor toward a mother and father from their own children. Sometimes it makes you want to ring there neck yourself. It starts at home!!! I don’t think a home filled with a lot of cussing, talking down, fussing and fighting is going to create a positive environment for any child. They act and learn on what they see at home, and if they learn disrespect at home they will give it back to you. Then probably pass it on down to their own kids. The 10 people on the FBI’S most wanted list probably wouldn’t be on the list if they were first wanted at home as children.
Thou shall not kill.
First off all , what about all of the thousands of unborn children that are killed at the abortion clinics around the world. One of the largest being in Houston, Texas. I can’t even begin to imagine how broken hearted our heavenly Father is about this. Murder may be legal in the eyes of the people who work at and go to the abortion clinics, but not in the eyes of the Lord. Do people honestly think that there will not be a price to pay for this?? You cannot turn on the television set without hearing about at least one murder a day, turn the channel and you will hear more.
Thou shall not commit adultery.
Well you have to stay married long enough first. Which in some cases a couple of days will qualify. People don’t make a firm God filled commitment anymore. Grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, right?? Not always, the grass may be dead especially if God is not involved. Funny thing is that everything God is involved in seems to flourish. Sometimes you have to stand back and look at other people to see how God is working in their lives. In some cases people learn after it’s to late. God and Love work hand in hand, you can’t have one without the other.
Thou shall not steal.
Crime is rampant, everywhere. There is not a town to big or small to be affected. People will rob and steal from you anywhere and anytime. They will shoot you for a dollar and shoot you cause you don’t have a dollar. The lawless thugs that are to lazy to work and earn there own way are everywhere. And somehow the environment we create in this country of letting people get away with everything does not one bit of good. Our government chooses to pay people not to work so we can work to pay them. Enough of that, I could go on for days about the current so called government.
Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
Why is it that the human race cannot keep there mouth shut when they need to. Especially when the news that you spread will in someway hurt or discredit someone in some way. They cannot hold the news in!!
Words can be so hurtful and damaging to people and once they leave the lips it’s to late to take them back. We should be honest and creditable to our neighbor, and that is everyone.
Thou shall not covet thy neighbors house, thy neighbors wife or anything that is thy neighbors.
It could be called, keeping up with the Jones. Our neighbor gets a new car, we want a new car. Why do we want what other people have. We should be content with what God has blessed us with not what other people get. If you crave what other people have and give in, you will more than likely end up hopelessly in debt worrying about all of the things your neighbor has. Do you want the debt that comes along with it. Probably not!!! Thy shall not covet anything that someone else has, it will probably cause you much pain for the desires of others.
Do we live our lives with the humble dependence on God, knowing our lives could change in a monents notice ????
image reference; llerrah.com