Monday, December 20, 2010

Love of Money

1 Timothy 6:1,2 In Paul’s culture there was a great social and legal gulf separating masters and slaves. But as Christians, masters and slaves became spiritual equals, brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. Paul did not speak against the institution of slavery, but he gave guidelines for Christian slaves and Christian masters. His counsel for the master/slave relationship can be applied to the employee/employer relationship today. Employees should work hard, showing respect for their employers. In turn employers should be fair. Our work should reflect our faithfulness to and love for Christ.
1 Timothy 3:5,6. Paul told Timothy to stay away from those who just wanted to make money from preaching and from those who strayed from the sound teachings of the gospel into quarrels that caused strife in the church. A person’s understanding of the finer points of theology should not become the basis for lording it over others or making money. Stay away from people who just want to argue. This statement is the key to spiritual growth and personal fulfillment. We should honor God and center our desires on him, and we should be content with what God is doing for our lives.
1 Timothy 6: 8,9. It is often helpful to distinguish between needs and wants. We may have all we need to live, but let ourselves become anxious and discontented over what we merely want. Like Paul, we can choose to be content without having all that we want. The only alternative is to be a slave to our desires.
1 Timothy 6:10 Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, most people still believe that money brings happiness. Rich people craving greater riches can be caught in an endless cycle that only ends in ruin and destruction. How can you keep away from the love of money? Paul gives us some guidelines: realize that one day riches will be gone, be content with what you have, monitor what you are willing to do to get more money, love people more than money, freely share what you have with others.
1 Timothy 6:17 If you have been blessed with wealth, then thank the Lord. Don’t be proud and don’t trust in your money. Use your money to do good. Be rich in good works, generous and ready to share. No matter how much money you have, your life should demonstrate that God controls the wealth that he has placed under your care.

If time and money were no object.
What would you do for God ?

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Judging Others. Ask/ Look/Knock

Matthew 7: 1,2. Jesus tells us to examine our own motives and conduct instead of judging others. The traits that bother us in others are often the habits we dislike in ourselves. Our untamed bad habits and behavior patterns are the very ones that we most want to change in others .Do you find it easy to magnify others’ faults while excusing your own? If you are ready to criticize someone, check to see if you deserve the same criticism. Judge yourself first, and then lovingly forgive and help your neighbor.
Matthew 7:5, Jesus’ statement, ‘‘Do not judge’’, is against the kind of hypocritical, judgmental attitude that tears others down in order to build oneself up. It is not a blanket statement against all critical thinking, but a call to be discerning rather than negative. Jesus said to expose false teachers and Paul taught that we should exercise church discipline and trust God to be the final judge.
Matthew 7:7,8. Jesus tells us to persist in pursuing God. People often give up after a few halfhearted efforts and conclude that God cannot be found. But knowing God takes faith, focus and follow-through and Jesus assures that we will be rewarded. Don’t give up in your efforts to seek God. Continue to ask him for more knowledge, patience, wisdom, love, and understanding. He will give them to you.

If you give a hungry man a fish he will live for a day.
If you teach him how to fish he will live for a lifetime.

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Jesus tells and explains the parables of the four soils

Luke 8:4, Jesus often communicated spiritual truth through parables –short stories or descriptions that take a familiar object or situation and give it a startling new twist. By linking the known with the hidden and forcing listeners to think, parables can point to spiritual truths. A parable compels listeners to discover the truth for themselves, and it conceals the truth from those to lazy or dull to understand it. In reading Jesus’ parables, we must be careful not to read to much into them. Most have only one point and one meaning.
Luke 8:5, Why would a farmer allow precious seed to land on the path, on rocks or among thorns? This is not an irresponsible farmer scattering seeds at random. He is using the acceptable method of hand seeding a large field- tossing it by handfuls as he walks through the field. His goal is to get as much seed as possible to take root in good soil, but waste is inevitable as some falls or is blown into less productive areas. That some of the seed produces no crop is not the fault of the faithful farmer or of the seed. The yield depends on the condition of the soil where the seed falls. It is our responsibility to spread the seed [God’s word], but we should not give up when some of our efforts fail. Remember not every seed falls on good soil.
Luke 8:10, Why didn’t the crowds understand Jesus’ words? Perhaps they were looking for a military leader, or a political Messiah and could not fit his gentle teaching style into their preconceived idea. Perhaps they were afraid of pressure from religious leaders and did not want to look to deeply into Jesus’ words. God told Isaiah that people would hear without understanding and see without learning anything and that kind of reaction confronted Jesus. The parable of the farmer was an accurate picture of the peoples reaction to the rest of his parables.
Luke 8;11-15, ‘’Path’’ people, like many of the religious leaders, refuse to believe God’s message. ‘’Rock’’ people, like many in the crowds that followed Jesus, believe his message but never get around to doing anything about it. ‘’Thorn patch’’ people, overcome by worries and the lure of materialism, leave no room in their lives for God. ‘’Good soil’’ people, in contrast to all the other groups, follow Jesus no matter what the cost. Which type of soil are you?
Luke 8:16,17, When the light of the truth about Jesus illuminates us, we have the duty to shine that light to help others. Our witness for Christ should be public, not hidden. We should not keep the benefits for ourselves alone but pass them on to others. In order to be helpful, we need to be well placed. Seek opportunities to shine your light when unbelievers need help to see.
Luke 8:18, Applying God’s word helps us grow. This is a principle of growth in physical, mental, and spiritual life. For example, a muscle, when exercised, will grow stronger, but an unused muscle will grow weak and flabby. If you are not growing stronger, you are growing weaker. It is impossible for you to stand still. How are you using what God has taught you?

Three reasons why you need Jesus
1.Because you have a past.
2.Because you need a friend.
3.Because he holds the future.

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Favoritism Forbidden

James 2:1, James condemns acts of favoritism. Often we treat a well dressed, impressive-looking person better than someone who looks shabby. We do this because we would rather identify with successful people than with apparent failures. The irony, as James reminds us, is that the supposed winners may have gained their impressive lifestyle at our expense. In addition, the rich find it difficult to identify with the Lord Jesus, who came as a humble servant. Are you easily impressed by status, wealth, or fame? Are you partial to the ‘’haves’’ while ignoring the ‘’have not’s’? This attitude is sinful. God views all people as equals, and If he favors anyone, it is the poor and the powerless. We should follow his example.
James 2:4, Why is it wrong to judge a person by his or her economic status? Wealth may indicate intelligence, wise decisions, and hard work. On the other hand, it may mean only that a person had the good fortune of being born into a wealthy family. Or it can even be a sign of greed, dishonesty, and selfishness. By honoring someone just because he or she dresses well, we are making appearance more important than character. We are often partial to the rich because we mistakenly assume that riches are a sign of God’s blessing and approval. But God does not promise us earthly rewards or riches: in fact, Christ calls us to be ready to suffer for him and give up everything in order to hold on to eternal life. We will have untold riches in eternity if we are faithful in our present life.
James 2:5, When James speaks about the poor, he is talking about those who have no money and also about those whose simple values are despised by much of our affluent society. Perhaps the ‘’poor’’ people prefer serving to managing, human relationships to financial security, peace to power. This does not mean that the poor will automatically go to heaven and the rich to hell. Poor people however, are usually more aware of their powerlessness. Thus it is often easier for them to acknowledge their need for salvation. One of the greatest barriers to salvation for the rich is pride. For the poor, bitterness can often bar the way to acceptance of salvation.
James 2:8,9. We must treat all people as we would want to be treated. We should not ignore the rich, because then we would be withholding our love. But we must not favor them for what they can do for us, while ignoring the poor who can offer us seemingly so little in return.
James 2:10, Christians should not use this verse to justify sinning. We dare to say: ’’Because I can’t keep every command of God, why even try?’’ James reminds us that if we’ve broken just one law, we are sinners. We can’t decide to keep part of Gods law and ignore the rest. You can’t break the law a little bit, if you have broken it at all, you need Christ to pay for your sin. Measure yourself, not someone else against God’s standards. Ask for forgiveness where you need it, and then renew your effort to put your faith into practice.

When you are tempted to get impatient with others.
Think of how patient God has been with you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Call Of Jeremiah

Jeremiah 1;5 Jeremiah was appointed by God as a prophet to the nations. God has a purpose for each Christian, but some people are appointed by God for specific kinds of work. Whatever work you do should be done for the glory of God. If God gives you a specific task, accept it cheerfully and do it with diligence. If God has not given you a specific call or assignment, then seek to fulfill the mission common to all believers, to love, obey, and serve God until his guidance becomes more clear.
Jeremiah 1;6-8 Often people struggle with new challenges lack self-confidence, feeling that they have inadequate ability, training or experience. Jeremiah thought he was only a child, too young and inexperienced to be God’s spokesman to the world. But God promised to be with him. We should not have feelings of inadequacy to keep us from obeying God’s call. He will always be with us. When you find yourself avoiding something you know you should do, be careful not to use lack of self-confidence as an excuse. If God gives you a job to do he will provide all you need to do it. God promised to rescue Jeremiah from trouble, not to keep trouble from coming. God did not insulate him from imprisonment, deportation or insults. God does not keep us from encountering life’s storms, but he will see us through them. In fact, God walks through these storms with us and rescues us.
Jeremiah 1;10 God appointed Jeremiah to bring his word to nations and kingdoms. Don’t forget in reading the old testament that, while God was constantly working through the people of Judah and Israel, his plan was to communicate to every nation and person. We are included in Jeremiah’s message of judgment and hope and as believers we are to share God’s desire to reach the whole world for him.
Jeremiah 1;11-14 The vision of the branch from an almond tree revealed the beginning of God’s judgment because the almond tree is among the first to blossom in the spring. God saw the sins of Judah and the nations and he would carry a swift and certain judgment. The problems we face may not seem as ominous as Jeremiah’s, but they are critical to us and may overwhelm us. God’s promise to Jeremiah and to us is that nothing will defeat us completely , he will help us through the most agonizing problems. Face each day with the assurance that God will be with you and see you through.

It's in those dark and insecure places that God can do his best work !!!!!

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Warning To Pay Attention

Hebrews 2:1-2 The author called his readers to pay attention to the truth they had heard so that they wouldn’t drift away into false teachings. Paying careful attention is hard work. It involves focusing our minds, bodies and senses. Listening to Christ means not merely hearing, but also obeying. We must listen carefully and be ready to carry out his instructions. These early believers were in danger of falling away from following Jesus. They had heard the words of the gospel, but those words had not sunk in. People raised in believing churches and families risk the same danger today. They hear the words and more or less agree, but mental assent to Christ’s leadership is insufficient to be Christ’s disciple. Are you a Sunday school teacher, a small group leader, or a club member ? Don’t assume that people who comply and conform are truly committed to Christ. Get to know each person who attends your group and challenge each with the truth and implications of commitment to Christ. Don’t surrender anyone to casual belief.
Hebrews 2:3, Eyewitnesses to Jesus ministry had handed down his teachings to the readers of this book. These readers were second generation believers who had not seen Christ in the flesh. They are like us, we have not seen Jesus personally. We base our belief in Jesus on the eyewitness accounts recorded in the Bible.
Hebrews 2:8,9, God put Jesus in charge of everything, and Jesus revealed himself to us. We do not yet see Jesus reigning on earth, but we can picture him in his heavenly glory. When you are confused by present day events and anxious about the future, remember Jesus true position and authority. He is Lord of all, and one day he will rule on earth as he does now in heaven. This truth can give stability to your decisions day by day.
Hebrews 2:10, How was Jesus made perfect through suffering? Jesus’ suffering made him a perfect leader, or pioneer, of our salvation. Jesus did not need to suffer for his own salvation, because he was God in human form. His perfect obedience demonstrates that he was the complete sacrifice for us. Through suffering , Jesus completed the work necessary for our own salvation. Our suffering can make us more sensitive servants of God. People who have known pain are able to reach out with compassion to others who hurt. If you have suffered, ask God how your experience can be used to help others.
Hebrews 2:18, Knowing that Christ suffered pain and faced temptation helps us face our trials. Jesus understands our struggles because he faced them as a human being. We can trust Christ to help us survive suffering and overcome temptation. When you face trials, go to Jesus for strength and patience. He understands all of our needs and is able to help.

When there is a question, examine the evidence.
Read the Bible!!!!

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Do Not Forget The Lord

Deuteronomy 8:3,Jesus quoted this verse when the devil tempted him to turn bread into stones.[Matthew 4:4] Many people think that life is based on satisfying their appetites. If they can earn enough money to dress, eat, and play in high style, they think they are living the good life. But such things do not satisfy our deepest longings. In the end they leave us empty and dissatisfied. Real life, according to Moses, comes from total commitment to God and living by every word that comes from him. How can we live by his word? 1. Recognize our need for it. 2. Agree that God alone can truly satisfy us. 3. Pray for God’s presence , wisdom, and direction as we read. 4. Savor the relationship you have with him through Christ. 4. Practice what he teaches you.
Deuteronomy 8:4 It’s usually easy for us to take God’s protection for granted. We seldom take notice or thank God when our car doesn’t break down, our cloths don’t rip, or our tools don’t break. The people of Israel also failed to take notice, it seems, for they didn’t even notice that in 40 years of wandering in the desert, their cloths didn’t’ wear out and their feet didn’t swell. Thus, they did not remember to give thanks to God for these blessings. What has been working well for you? What has been giving you good service? What has been lasting for a long time without breaking down or apart? Remember to thank God for these quite blessings.
Deuteronomy 8:10,11-20. Let your table prayers serve as a constant reminder of the Lord’s goodness to you and your duty to those who are less fortunate. In times of plenty, we often take credit for our prosperity and become proud that our own hard work and cleverness have made us rich. It is easy to get so busy collecting and managing wealth that we push God right out of our lives. But it is God who gives us everything we have, and it is God who ask us to manage it for him.

Why are riches so deceitful?
Because we start depending on riches instead of God.
Riches can be lost overnight and gone forever. God will still be there waiting, and he will be there forever.

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Monday, October 18, 2010


Timothy 2:1 Although God is all-powerful and all knowing, he has chosen to let us help him change the world through our prayers. How this works is a mystery to us because of our limited understanding, but it is a reality. Paul based his instruction about prayer for everyone on his conviction that God’s invitation for salvation extends equally to all people. The word everyone captures the nature of the gospel. The world that God loves includes every person. He loves us as individuals whom he knows intimately. Paul urges us to pray for everyone. Our earnest prayers will have powerful results.
Timothy 2:2 We should pray for those in authority around the world so that their societies will be conductive to the spread of the gospel. Paul’s command to pray for kings is remarkable considering that Nero, a notoriously cruel ruler, was emperor at this time.[A.D.54-68] When Paul wrote this letter, persecution was a growing threat to believers. Later, when Nero needed a scapegoat for the great that destroyed much of Rome, he blamed the Roman Christians so as to take the focus off himself. Then persecution erupted throughout the Roman empire. Not only were Christians denied certain privileges in society, some were even publicly butchered, burned or fed to animals.
Timothy 2: 4 Both Peter and Paul said that God wants all to be saved, this does not mean that all will be saved because the Bible makes it clear that many reject Christ. The gospel message has a universal scope, it is not directed only to people of one race, one sex, or one national background. God loves the whole world and sent his Son to save sinners. No one is outside God’s mercy or beyond the reach of his offer of salvation.
Timothy 2: 5,6,8. Though some people there are many ways to God, in practice, each person must choose a single way. We can stand on one side of a gorge and discuss the possibility of many bridges across the abyss, but if we are determined to cross, we will have to commit to one bridge. Those who insist that there are many bridges to God usually fit one or more of the following categories: They have not committed to any bridge. They are surprised that their belief in multiple ways does not exempt them from having to choose one bridge. Their belief in many ways to God hides their true belief that finding God doesn’t really matter at all. They are convinced that arguing for many ways to God will insure that they won’t be wrong.
The facts remain, we human beings are separated from God by sin and we need a savior. A way across the abyss of sin and back to God. Only one person in the universe is our Mediator and can stand between us and God and man. Jesus sacrifice brought new life to all people. Have you let him bridge the gap between you and God?
Timothy 2:8 Besides displeasing God, anger and strife make prayer difficult. That is why Jesus said that we should interrupt our prayers, if necessary, to make peace with others. God wants us to obey him immediately and thoroughly. Our goal should be to have a right relationship with God and also with others.

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Some of the most valauable lessons learned in our lives come from some of the darkest times in our lives.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

By Faith

Hebrews 11:1 Do you remember how you felt when you were very young and your birthday approached? You were excited and anxious. You knew you would certainly receive gifts and other special treats. But some things would be a surprise. Birthdays combine assurance and anticipation, and so does Faith. Faith is the confidence based on past experience that God’s new and fresh surprises will surely be ours. Two words describe Faith; sure and certain. These two qualities need a secure beginning and ending point. The beginning point of Faith is believing in God’s character, he is who he says. The end point is believing in God’s promises, he will do what he says. When we believe that God will fulfill his promises even though we don’t see those promises materializing yet, we demonstrate true Faith.
Hebrews 11: 3, God called the universe into existence out of nothing , he declared that it was to be, and it was. Our Faith is in the God who created the entire universe by his word. God’s word has awesome power. When he speaks, do you listen and respond? How can you better prepare yourself to respond to God’s word?
Hebrews 11:6 Believing that God exist is only the beginning, even the demons believe that much. God will not settle for mere acknowledgement of his existence. He wants your Faith to lead to a personal, dynamic relationship. But does Faith make sense, really? Do you believe because Faith makes sense, or because Faith doesn’t need to make sense? Some Christians think people cannot understand God and should not try. Others believe that nothing true is irrational, including true Faith. The truth is; God gave us minds that should be developed and used. To ignore intellectual growth is to live a stunted and naïve life. God wants our trust and Faith, even while we ponder and wonder about so many matters mysterious to us. Even so, we do not believe in a void nor leap into the dark. Faith is reasonable, though reason alone cannot be the whole of it. So use your mind to think things through. But leave room for the unexplainable works of God.
Hebrews 11:7 As you obey God, don’t be surprised if others regard you ‘‘different’’. Your obedience makes their disobedience stand out. Remember , if God ask you to do something, he will give you the necessary strength to carry out the task.
Hebrews 11:26 True wealth is eternal. Consider the most powerful or well known people of the world, how many got where they are by being humble and gentle? Not many!! But in the life to come, the last will be first, if they got in last place by choosing to follow Jesus. Be willing to make sacrifices now for greater rewards later.

When Faith is greater than fear, Faith wins !!!!!!

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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Life's Two Roads

Psalm 1:1 Our friends and associates can have a profound influence on us, often in very subtle ways. If we insist on friendships with those who mock what God considers important, we might sin by becoming indifferent to God’s will. This attitude is the same as mocking. Do your friends build up your faith, or do they tear it down? True friends should help you draw closer to God, not hinder your relationship with him.
God doesn’t judge people on the basis of race, sex, or national origin. He judges them on the basis of their faith in him and their response to his revealed will. Those who diligently try to obey God’s will are blessed. Their happy condition is like healthily fruit bearing trees with strong roots and God promises to watch over them. God’s wisdom guides their lives. In contrast, those who don’t trust and obey God have meaningless lives that blow away like dust. Only two paths of life lay before us, God’s way of obedience or the way of rebellion and destruction. Be sure to choose God’s path because the path you choose determines how you will spend eternity.
Psalm 1:2 You can learn how to follow God by meditating on his word. Meditating means spending time reading and thinking about what you have read. It means asking yourself how you should change so you will live as God wants. Knowing and meditating on God’s word are the first steps toward applying it to your everyday life. If you want to follow God more closely, you must know what he says.
Psalm 1:2,3 These two scriptures hold simple wisdom: The more we delight in God’s presence, the more fruitful we are. On the other hand, the more we allow those who ridicule God to affect our thoughts and attitudes, the more we separate ourselves from our source of nourishment. We must contact with unbelievers if we are to witness to them, but we must not join in or imitate their sinful behavior. If you want despair, spend time with mocking sinners; but if you want God’s happiness, make friends with those who love God and his word. The phrase; ‘‘Whatever he does prospers,’’ does not mean immunity from failure or difficulties. Nor does it guarantee health, wealth, and happiness. What the Bible means by prosperity is this: when we apply Gods wisdom, the fruit we bear will be good and will receive God’s approval. Just as the tree soaks up water and bears luscious fruit, we also are to soak up God’s word, producing actions and attitudes that honor God. To achieve anything worthwhile , we must have God’s word in our hearts.
Psalm 1:4 Chaff is the outer shell that must be removed to get at the valuable kernels of grain inside. Chaff was removed by a process called threshing. After the plants were cut, they were crushed and then the pieces were thrown into the air. Chaff is very light and is carried away by even the slightest wind, while the good grain falls back to earth. Chaff is a symbol of a faithless life that drifts along without direction. Good grain is a symbol of a faithful life that can be used by God. Unlike grain, however, we can choose the direction we will take.

Life is short, eternity is long.
Consider all of your challenges a blessing.

Image reference; robertpooley.typepad,com

Monday, September 27, 2010

Job Is Tested

JOB1:1 Job, the main character of the book, lost all he had through no fault of his own. As he struggled to understand why all this was happening to him, it became clear that he was not meant to know the reasons. He would have to face life with the answers and explanations held back. Only then would his faith fully develop. We must experience life as Job did – one day at a time and without complete answers to all of life’s questions. Will we, like Job, trust God no matter what ? Or will we give in to the temptation to say that God doesn’t really care? As we see calamity and suffering in the book of Job, we must remember that we live in a fallen world where good behavior is not always rewarded and bad behavior is not always punished.
JOB 1:5 Job showed deep concern for the spiritual welfare of his children. Fearful that they might have sinned unknowingly, he offered sacrifices for them. Parents today can show the same concern by praying for their children. This means sacrificing some time each to ask God to forgive them, to help then grow, to protect them and to help them please him.
JOB 1:6 -7 The bible speaks of other heavenly councils where God and the angels plan their activities on earth and where angels are required to give account of themselves. Because God is creator of all angels-both of those who serve him and those who rebelled, he has complete power and authority over them. Satan, originally an angel of God, had become corrupt through his own pride. He has been evil since his rebellion against God. Satan considers God as his enemy. He tries to hinder God’s work in people, but he is limited by God’s power and can do only what he is permitted. Satan is our enemy because he actively looks for people to attack with temptation.
JOB 1:9 Satan attacked Job’s motives, saying that Job was blameless and upright only because he had no reason to turn against God. Every since he had started following God, everything had gone well for Job. Satan wanted to prove that Job worshiped God, not out of love, but because God had given him to much. Satan accurately analyzed why many people trust God. They are fair weather believers, following God only when things are going well, or for what they can get. Adversity destroys this superficial faith. But adversity strengthens real faith by causing believers to dig their roots deeper into God in order to withstand the storms. How deep does your faith go? Put the roots of your faith down deep into God so that you can withstand any storm you may face. [NIV]

Have you ever thought about this? Everyday you are involved with or interact with a large group of people and for most of those people you, yes you, are the only Bible that those people will ever read. They will read you in the way you talk and treat others, how you handle different situations. You are a walking Bible and there are alot of people reading you this very minute.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Trials and Temptations

James 1;2,3. James doesn’t say if you face trials, but whenever you face them. He assumes that we will have trials and that it is possible to profit from them. The point is not to pretend to be happy when we face pain, but to have a positive outlook because of what trials can produce in our lives. James 1;2,4 We can’t really know the depth of our character until we see how we react under pressure. It is easy to be kind to others when everything is going well, but can we still be kind when others are treating us unfairly? God wants to make us mature and complete, not to keep us from all pain. Instead of complaining about our struggles, we should see them as opportunities for growth. Thank God for promising to be with you in rough times. Ask him to help you solve your problems or give you the strength to endure them. Then be patient; God will not leave you alone with your problems, he will stay close and help you grow. James 1;6,7,8. If you have ever seen the constant rolling of huge waves at sea, you know how restless they are, subject to the forces of wind, gravity and tide. Doubt leaves a person unsettled as the restless waves. If you want to stop being tossed around, rely on God to show you what is best for you.
James 1;12,13,14,15. Temptation comes from evil desires inside us, not from God. It begins with an evil thought and becomes sin when we dwell on the thought and allow it to become an action. Like a snowball rolling downhill, sin grows more destructive the more we let it have its way. The best time to stop a temptation is before it is to strong or moving too fast to control. People who live for God often wonder why they still have temptations. Does God tempt them? God test people but he does not tempt them. God allows Satan to tempt people, however in order to refine their faith and to help them grow in their dependence on Christ. We can resist temptation to sin by turning to God for strength and choosing to obey his word.
It is easy to blame others and make excuses for evil thoughts and wrong actions. Excuses include, it’s the other persons fault, I couldn’t help it, everybody’s doing it, it was just a mistake, nobody’s perfect, the devil made me do it, I was pressured into it. A person who makes excuses is trying to shift the blame from himself or herself to something or someone else. A Christian, on the other hand, accepts responsibility for his or her wrongs, confess them and asks God for forgiveness. [NIV]

Trials, Temptation and Greed never travel alone. They always bring all kinds of sin with them.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Praise God for the Victory

Psalm 20;6-8 As long as there have been armies and weapons, nations have boasted of their power, but such power does not last. Throughout history, empires and kingdoms have risen to great power only to vanish in the dust. David, however, knew that the true might of his nation was not in weaponry but in worship; not in firepower but in God’s power. Because God alone can preserve a nation or an individual, be sure your confidence is in God, who gives eternal victory. Whom do you trust?? Psalm 21;7 A good leader trust the Lord and depends upon his unfailing love. Too often leaders trust in their own cleverness, popular support or military support. But God is above all these God’s. If you aspire to leadership, keep the Lord God at the center of your life and depend on him. His love will keep you from stumbling.
Because David trusted in God, God would not let him be shaken. When we trust in God we have permanence and stability. We may lose a great deal, families, jobs, material possessions, but we cannot be shaken from God’s favor. He will be our foundation of solid rock. He will never leave or desert us.
Psalm 21:11 When you see evil schemes unfold, remember that they will not succeed forever. The power of evil doers is only temporary, and God’s very presence would send them scattering in a moment. God, according to his plan and purpose, will intervene for his people and give the wicked the judgment they deserve. We should not be dismayed when we see the temporary advantage God’s enemies have. Psalm 22:6 When others despise us and heap scorn upon us, they treat us as less than human. After much degradation, we like David, could begin to feel like worms. When we feel the sting of rejection, we must keep in mind the hope and victory that God promises us.
Psalm 22:30,31 Unborn generations are depending on our faithfulness today. As we teach our children about the Lord, so will they teach their children and their children’s children. If we fail to tell our children about the Lord, we may be breaking the chain of God’s influence in generations to come. We must view our children and all the young people we meet as God’s future leaders. If we are faithful in opportunities today, we may well be affecting the future. If we want our children to serve the Lord, they must hear about him from us, it is not enough to rely on the church or those with more knowledge to provide all their Christian education. We must reinforce the lessons of the Bible in our homes. [NIV]

If you are concerned about something that is going to happen tomorrow, ease your mind. God is already there.

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Wisdom / Money

Ecclesiastes 5; 19-20 God wants us to view what we have with the right perspective – our possessions are a gift from God. Although they are not the source of joy, they are a reason to rejoice because every good thing comes from God. We should focus more on the Giver than the gift. We can be content with what we have when we realize that with God we have everything we need. Everyone dies , and both rich and poor end up in the grave. Many people work hard to prolong life and improve their physical condition. Yet people don’t spend nearly enough time or effort on their spiritual health. How shortsighted it is to work hard to extend this life and not take the steps God requires to gain eternal life.
God knows and directs everything that happens, and he is in complete control over our lives, even though at times it may not seem that way. How foolish it is for us to contend with our Creator, who knows us completely and can see the future. [Jeremiah18;6 &Romans 9; 19-24] Money talks , and it can confuse those who would otherwise judge fairly. We hear about bribes given to judges, police officers and witnesses. Bribes are given to hurt those who tell the truth and help those who oppose it. People who are involved in extortion or take bribes are indeed fools no matter how wise they thought they were beforehand. It is said that everyone has a price, but those who are truly wise cannot be bought at any price.
To finish what we start takes hard work, wise guidance, self discipline and patience. Anyone with vision can start a big project. But vision without wisdom will result in unfinished projects and goals. God allows both good times and bad times to come to everyone. He blends them in our lives in such a way that we can’t predict the future or count on human wisdom and power. We usually give ourselves the credit for the good times. Then in bad times, we tend to blame God without thanking him for the good times that come with it. When life appears certain and controllable, don’t let self satisfaction or complacency make you to comfortable, or God may allow bad time to drive you back to him. When life seems uncontrollable and uncertain, don’t despair. God is in control and will bring good results out of your struggles.
What makes money so magnetic and giving it away so stressful? Money measures our energy; it represents our day-to-day security. Giving away money put our work and our future at risk. Not every charity deserves your attention and you would be wise to scrutinize missionary appeals as well. But once you’ve determined that a project honors the Lord, don’t hold back, give generously and joyfully. Wisdom is the ability to see life from God’s perspective and then to know the best course of action to take. Most people would agree that wisdom is a valuable asset, but how do we acquire it? Proverbs 9;10 teaches that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Wisdom comes from knowing and trusting God then sharing the knowledge with others. Ecclesiastes 8; 16-17 Even if we had access to all the world’s wisdom, the wisest man would know very little. No one can fully comprehend God and all that he has done, and there are always more questions than answers. But the unknown should not cast a shadow over our joy, faith or work because we know that someone greater is in control and that we can put our trust in him. Don’t let what you don’t know about the future destroy the joy God wants to give you today. [ NIV]

If you were to take a good hard look at all of the things that influence you in your life.
What do you think you would see ??

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Finding Comfort

You go to work one morning just as you have been doing for years giving it all to your company. You walk in and are informed that you are no longer needed. You see people who are deathly ill with no hope of recovery and there families deeply suffer in Faith and finances. We witness hunger and poverty all over the world and yet we are blind to what happens in our own backyard. All we can see is a long black tunnel that seems to have no end. There is no light only darkness. Where do we find comfort in these trying and struggling times? Is there a place and an answer ? Yes there is without a doubt!!!!!!! The book of Isaiah 40 is full of words of comfort.
When asked the question; Where is God ? What would your first answer be ? For most people it would be in Heaven. Which is true, but God is more than just in Heaven. He lives in all of our hearts. Have you ever told God about something that you held in your heart that he didn’t already know ? No, you have not ! Our minds cannot comprehend the awesome power of God, he is knowledge and he knows it all. Sometimes it is the great storms in our lives that build our Faith in him. [ Isaiah 40;8, The grass withers and the flowers fall but the word of God stands forever.] Always remember that God is always there, all you have to do is call out. Put all of your problems in the hand of the Lord, he can handle things much better that we can. This is something I do every single morning, down on my knees thanking God for everything in my life. Praising him for the coming day and putting everything that happens in the course of that day in his hands.[ Isaiah 40;12, Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand , or with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens? Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket, or weighted the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance.]
So many people worship false idols in life. Gold, money, possessions of all kinds are far more important to some people than a relationship with the Lord. Yet there lives are in turmoil and they cannot understand why. A storm in our life can destroy us or build us. God works in our lives every second of the day, the trouble is many souls have on blinders. They continue complain about how bad things are instead of letting God handle things. The Lord never gives up.[ Isaiah 40;28, Do you not know ? Have you not heard ? The Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.] God will never be late or check on how much we owe, he will always be there. Have you ever closely watched as an eagle soars and can see for miles. They have there eyes focused on what they want and they get it.[ Isaiah 40;31, But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.] Our we focused and do we have our eyes and heart set on what we want ?
Anytime in life that you think you are really somebody and you think you can do it all without him, think of this!!!!! [ Isaiah 40;25,26. To whom will you compare me, or who is my equal, says the Holy one. Lift your eyes and look to the heavens. Who created all of this? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls them each by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.] Walk outside tonight and gaze at the heavens and know what our God has done. Do you still think that you can do it without him in your life ? I need God and I need prayer, and if you are honest, so do you!!!!!
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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Matthew 24 Is Knocking At The Door

Some people might say that the end times are very near, taking into consideration the current state of worldly events that take place on a daily basis. The world is indeed in a sad state of affairs, and that is putting it mildly. Whenever you take God out of the picture as our current government has been trying to do, we commit national sins that can and are causing our country and people to suffer gravely. On top of that they are not standing side by side with Israel as all of our former leaders have done. Anyone or country that goes against Israel will without a doubt has many problems. Look at the current state of our economy, jobless situation, homes being lost and the many other seriously painful situations that are happening to our country. Washington just doesn’t get it, take God out of the picture and the picture frame starts to crumble. Signs of the end of an age are here and have been increasing rapidly. Jesus left the temple and was walking when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings, ‘’ Do you see all these things? He asked. I tell you the truth, not one stone here will be left on another, every one will be torn down. As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. ‘’Tell us,’’ they said’’ when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of an age?’’ Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. As we look at the things that are happening everyday on our planet one would believe that we are indeed moving into the end times and it seems as if no one cares. Our government continues to commit national sins that we may never recover from. Our grandchildren and there grandchildren will continue to pay for all of the current horrible mistakes being made each day.
For as lightening that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.. Matthew 24 is knocking at the door. And the sound is getting louder and louder every single day. The sad part is that most people don't hear it !!!!!

Aim at heaven and you get the earth thrown in.
Aim at the earth and you get nothing.

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Thursday, August 12, 2010

In Search Of Perfect

Everybody is in search of something. As humans go thru the journey of life we always want all things to be running smooth. But how many times does that really happen? Lets take a beautiful home with a loving family. Can this home be perfect? Yes indeed, the house can be perfect however the family that lives inside cannot and will not be perfect. Within any family on the face of the earth there will be problems within each other. Disagreements, jealously, dislike and there will always be some sort of problem or another as long as your life exist. But there will also be love. Why? Because we are human! Can a workplace be perfect? Yes it can, however the people cannot. There will sooner or later be disagreements and problems of some sort. Why? Because we are human!!
Can a church be perfect? Yes indeed it can. There are some beautiful churches all over the place that are simply amazing. However the people inside cannot be perfect. Someone will be jealous, disagree, opinionated, short tempered and the list can go on and on. But the church building can be perfect!! The structure, the boards ,the nails that hold it all together can be perfectly put in place to make it perfect. Everything can be perfect until you blend in the human element. We are all so much alike yet totally opposite. And we very seldom agree on anything so we just work around it. This usually ends up in some sort of strife in our lives. Why is this so prevalent in all of our lives? Simply put it is because we are human. Look at the beautiful earth that God has created for us and what do we do with it ?
Well we sure don’t take care of it like it was our temporary home. We humans continue to litter, pollute and slowly destroy the earth. When the human race is gone from the earth it will flourish, untainted by the human touch. We are all so difficult in some way or another!! Yet we struggle to get along and try to make things work. In search of perfect can take a life time journey and in the end you will still be looking for perfect.
Is there such a thing as a perfect place? Yes it is ,we just wont find it here. Is there such a thing as a perfect person? Yes it is, but we will not be able to see that person until we reach heaven and look into the eyes of God. Then and only then will we see perfect. Because perfect does not exist in the human race here on earth. It never has and it never will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So make the best of the people who you come in contact with each and every day and take joy in knowing that we all have something in common. IMPERFECTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Imagine the person in your life that is the hardest to get along with, then imagine the rest of the world being just like that person. Scary isn’t it ? That’s why God made us all different. Praise the Lord .

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Thou shall have no other Gods before me.
The world is full of people these days that put other things before God. It can be their possessions, power, prominence, money or many other things that cloud there view of what is truly important in life. Our fallen world is full of false lures that give many people an empty sense of security.
Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image.
Do we build or carve out meaningless images of worthless idols? God is the one and only. He is and always will be !!
Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
We are exposed to so many different type of people in a normal day that sometimes is it amazing how we are so day and night different. Although I don’t hear it as much as I used to, people still take the name of the Lord in vain. I don’t know if they are just unaware of the way they speak or they just don’t care.
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Every Sunday morning on the way to church you can see people riding bicycles, shopping, eating out, working in the yard doing all sorts of things. Most of them however do not involve worshiping the Lord. There was a span in my life as to where I was away from the Lord, but he drew me back in. If I don’t get my Sunday and Wednesday worship time my week just don’t go as well. The Lord has a way of drawing people back to him. Trouble is, sometimes people have to go thru a lot on unnecessary pain and suffering before they realize that there way is just not working.
Honor thy father and thy mother.
In this lost world with a lot of totally lost people, how many times have we witnessed dishonor toward a mother and father from their own children. Sometimes it makes you want to ring there neck yourself. It starts at home!!! I don’t think a home filled with a lot of cussing, talking down, fussing and fighting is going to create a positive environment for any child. They act and learn on what they see at home, and if they learn disrespect at home they will give it back to you. Then probably pass it on down to their own kids. The 10 people on the FBI’S most wanted list probably wouldn’t be on the list if they were first wanted at home as children.
Thou shall not kill.
First off all , what about all of the thousands of unborn children that are killed at the abortion clinics around the world. One of the largest being in Houston, Texas. I can’t even begin to imagine how broken hearted our heavenly Father is about this. Murder may be legal in the eyes of the people who work at and go to the abortion clinics, but not in the eyes of the Lord. Do people honestly think that there will not be a price to pay for this?? You cannot turn on the television set without hearing about at least one murder a day, turn the channel and you will hear more.
Thou shall not commit adultery.
Well you have to stay married long enough first. Which in some cases a couple of days will qualify. People don’t make a firm God filled commitment anymore. Grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, right?? Not always, the grass may be dead especially if God is not involved. Funny thing is that everything God is involved in seems to flourish. Sometimes you have to stand back and look at other people to see how God is working in their lives. In some cases people learn after it’s to late. God and Love work hand in hand, you can’t have one without the other.
Thou shall not steal.
Crime is rampant, everywhere. There is not a town to big or small to be affected. People will rob and steal from you anywhere and anytime. They will shoot you for a dollar and shoot you cause you don’t have a dollar. The lawless thugs that are to lazy to work and earn there own way are everywhere. And somehow the environment we create in this country of letting people get away with everything does not one bit of good. Our government chooses to pay people not to work so we can work to pay them. Enough of that, I could go on for days about the current so called government.
Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
Why is it that the human race cannot keep there mouth shut when they need to. Especially when the news that you spread will in someway hurt or discredit someone in some way. They cannot hold the news in!!
Words can be so hurtful and damaging to people and once they leave the lips it’s to late to take them back. We should be honest and creditable to our neighbor, and that is everyone.
Thou shall not covet thy neighbors house, thy neighbors wife or anything that is thy neighbors.
It could be called, keeping up with the Jones. Our neighbor gets a new car, we want a new car. Why do we want what other people have. We should be content with what God has blessed us with not what other people get. If you crave what other people have and give in, you will more than likely end up hopelessly in debt worrying about all of the things your neighbor has. Do you want the debt that comes along with it. Probably not!!! Thy shall not covet anything that someone else has, it will probably cause you much pain for the desires of others.

Do we live our lives with the humble dependence on God, knowing our lives could change in a monents notice ????

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Saturday, July 10, 2010


Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Faith in God does not make troubles disappear; it makes troubles appear less frightening because it puts them in the right perspective.Don't expect everyone to react favorably when you share something as dynamic as your Faith in Christ. Some people will be jealous,afraid,or threatened. Expect some negative reactions and remember that you must be more concerned about serving God than about the reaction of other people.
Many Christians become furstrated and defeated because their needs,wants expectations and demands are not immediately met when they believe in God. They become impatient and want to quit. Stand firm in courage and Faith and continue to believe. Material things should be among the least satisfying of rewards. Our best and greatest rewards await us in eternity.
Do you remember how you felt when you were very young and your birthday was approaching? Always excited and anxious. You knew that you would receive a gift or maybe even a surprise. Birthdays combine assurance and anticipation and so does Faith. When we believe that God will fulfill his promises even though we don't see those promises materializing yet, we demonstrate true Faith. We cannot have everything we pray for as if by magic, but with Faith , we can have everything we need to serve him. The attitude of trust and confidence that the Bible calls Belief or Faith is not something we can obtain without help. Faith is a gift from God. Faith is not stored away like money in the bank.Growing in Faith is a constant process of daily renewing our trust in Jesus.
Our Faith must go beyond what we believe, it must become a big part of what we do, resulting in spirtual maturity. Salvation does not depend on good deeds, but it will result in good deeds.

Trust God in every situation. There are eternal reasons for temporary trails, so be thankful that your destiny is in Gods hands, not human hands.

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Saturday, July 3, 2010


Every person sooner or later in the course of a lifetime will go through deep stinging pain and suffering. It can come at any point in ones life. When we go through these painful times they seem to be branded into our mind. There is something about going through those difficult times that always stay in our mind, they never go away. Losing someone in life is the hardest, deepest time of suffering that i think a person can go thru.
If we try to save our physical life from death, pain,or
discomfort, we may risk losing our true eternal life.If we protect ourselves from pain, we begin to die spiritually and emotionally.
Our lives turn inward, and we lose our intended purpose. When we give our lives in service to Christ, however, we discover the real purpose of living. My mother went into the hospital when i was 2 years old, even though i don't remember this, the pain started for me at a very young age. When i was 9 years old my mother passed away. I remember this event and the days to follow like it was yesterday. I had a tremendous amount of pain, suffering and loss and didn't know how to handle it. My aunts and grandmothers took me to church each and every Sunday, still i was lost. I had a great void in my life. When i was 18 years old my father passed away. Needless to say the part of my life that wasn't already crumbled quickly did so. Going from bad to worse is putting it mildly. I always had God in my heart, the problem is i wasn't listening to the things that were being told to me. People tend to find ways to deal with there pain and suffering that almost always make things much worse.
Sudden storms can appear over the surrounding mountains of our lives with little or no warning, stirring the waters into massive waves. When we truly understand who God is, however, we realize that he controls both the storms of nature and the storms of the troubled heart. We should never discount his power even in troubled times. He is always there waiting on us. he never gets weary. He knows more about pain and suffering than any of us.

Lord we know that you are always there in our pain and suffering, and sometimes we try to deal with it on our own. Help us not to continue to make that mistake.

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Sunday, June 27, 2010


An old man was in serious discussion with a younger man about life and his plans for his life. The young man said he was going to work hard and accumulate a lot of wealth. What then the old man ask? With all of my wealth I will get noticed in the community and workplace and standout. What then the old man ask ? After I have all of the things in life that I need I will retire and take it easy for a long time. What then the old man ask ? Well I guess I will grow old and someday die. Sounds like you have a plan replied the old man. But what then ????
Money, stocks, bonds, jewels are just a few of the things that will not make it into heaven. The word of God is eternal and it will be the only thing that we take with us when we leave this earth. Whenever anything gets in between us and God, the thing that is in the middle will disappear sooner or later. You may not lose what you accumulate but you may lose something far more important. Do you ever find yourself giving God a timetable to answer a certain prayer ?
It never works out giving the creator of time a timetable to work on. God will target whatever comes in between us and him.
What about the couple that started going to church every Sunday, giving to the church and setting on the front row. There life was going great, they were financially blessed and everything was going as planned. After a while they started moving further and further back in the church, they eventually ended up on the back row. Finally they were out of the door and never returned. There life was so blessed that they bought a luxury weekend get away and the best time for a weekend get away is Friday, Saturday and Sunday. They took God out of their life, they no longer had time for him. So What Then ?? Well after losing the weekend get away, they eventually lost there primary residence as well. Their were trillions of dollars lost in the crisis of 2008. God got the attention of a lot of people who had put all of there trust and security in there money and possessions. God will remove whatever it is that comes between us and him. So What Then ??????????????????

Heavenly Father, I put you first and I know that you will align everything in my life according your order and time table, not mine.

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Saturday, June 26, 2010


Have you ever stopped to think about the person that you seen holding the; Will Work For Food sign. Most people try real hard not to make eye contact or help them in any way. They get called names, laughed at and made fun of. God has been working on me for a long time now about the homeless. No one ever stops to think about the person, there childhood, there life, the events in there life that has brought them to the place of holding a sign on the street corner. We seem to be able to sense people who have gone thru or are going thru some type of problems or addictions. This too is from the Lord! We go thru things in life to be there for others who are in need.
We once went on a fishing trip out of Port A and the first thing I noticed was one of the deckhands. I knew he had a drinking problem, although he was sober at the time he had a story that I wanted to know. On the way back in I asked the captain about him and he told me that the man was a former surgeon from Houston who’s entire family was killed in an auto accident and he was never able to pull himself out of the loss. These are the people called street people. Each and every person has a story and you will never know it until you know the person. We now seek out the so called street people more than ever.
I choose to walk up and get to know the person. The first time I went up to a homeless man on the street and introduced myself and reached my hand out, he reached back with a long over due hand shake. We talked, prayed and I gave him a gift card with a little cash. Before I left he asked me if he could shake my hand again. That hand shake and conversation meant the world to Roy who stands on the corner most evenings by Wal-Mart and Jack-in-box. The other day I gave him his first Bible ever, and Roy is not young. There is also another man who pushes a shopping cart around with all of his possessions inside, his name is Joe. Amazing isn’t it, these people have real names, just like me and you.
The first time I visited with Joe, I shook his hand, we talked, prayed and I left him with a Bible and some cash inside, I seen him today and guess what he was reading !!! People always say never give money to the homeless, and I say it’s there life, they can live it as they choose and I can do what I want with my money. As long as we are able we will give !!
My wife and I are going to meet these two men at least once a week where they live, on the streets. I feel as if God is going to put many more in our path. I pray that people will look at these street people a little different. After all they are just like me and you, besides for having some serious blows along the road of life. It is totally amazing what a kind word, a hand shake and some conversation can do to the spirit of a person.
Wealth, luxury, and ease can make people feel confident, satisfied, and complacent, but no matter how much you possess or how much money you make, you have nothing if you don’t have a vital relationship with Christ. How does your current level of wealth affect your spiritual desire ???
They are called street people, holding signs, but we are all alike in Christ and Christ calls on us to help one another!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you intentionally keep his life-changing presence and power on the other side of the door ???

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Friday, June 25, 2010


We live in a world to where we have everything we want instantly. If you need money, check your mailbox. I’m sure there is one or two credit card offers just waiting for you to take advantage of. It just depends on what you want, it’s there. If you want a home you can get a home with little or no money down and a job seems to be optional. There are so many people living in houses that they can’t afford, driving cars that they have no business driving and they are so hopelessly in debt that they have to reach up just to touch the ground. We have instant food, instant communication, instant photos you name it, we have it. Are we doing what God wants us to do, how far can we push the envelope. We all have needs in life, if you need prayer, pray for someone else. If your concerned about your job, continue to give to your church, give more. If you need forgiveness, forgive someone else. If you need help, help someone in need. God presents opportunities for us everyday to bless others. It’s up to us to be watchful. According to your faith, let it be you. Be steadfast; be strong in your faith, when we have endured the test, we will receive the crown of life.

God is more eager to answer than we are to ask.

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Survival Under Pressure

In the deep of the ocean it is impossible for a man to walk on the floor of the ocean without a special pressurized suit. Have you ever wondered how the fish are able to swim even deeper than man is able to go with a special suit. Simply put, the fish have the same pressure inside as out. Sometimes the pressures of daily life can buildup inside until we feel as if we are about to blow up. We feel as if we have no way to vent or let off steam. Sometimes when the pressure builds and people vent it can turn into a real bad situation.
If we attempt to meet life’s challenges with human effort alone, we will find the pressures and temptations around us too great to resist. We might feel such great pressure in one area of our life that nothing else seems to matter and we lose our perspective. How easy it is to give in to the crowd and let ourselves be pressured into doing wrong. Don’t get in a situation where it will be too embarrassing to do what is right. Determine to do what is right, no matter how embarrassing or painful it may be. Getting through that short term pressure-filled moment is often the most difficult part of overcoming a temptation. Standing firm to the end is not a way to be saved but the evidence that a person is really committed to Jesus.

You will never have a need or situation come up in life that God is not prepared for.

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Monday, May 31, 2010


There are so many people that are trapped with the Hellish Thirst of some type of addiction. Sex, drugs, alcohol, tempers, physical and mental abuse, gambling and the list goes on and on. I feel as if there is a time in a persons life when they get weak and there walk with the Lord has became distant, even though he is right beside them. There is a break in the shell and when that happens the devil slips in and straps on the hindering crutches of addiction. How long that Hellish Thirst last depends on how long you distance yourself from God. Some people go through things for years before they cry out to Jesus for help. They must come to Christ who will provide new appetites. The closer we get to God , the further away we realize that we have been. We must break the unbroken pattern of bondage in families. If you shine a light in the middle of the day no one will notice, but when you shine a light into total darkness, people will notice and become aware. The headlights on a car are pretty much for the driver, but the streetlights are for everyone to see. The Hellish Thirst of Addictions cannot be hidden forever, they will surface sooner or later. The power of Love, a smile and a hug can be contagious and along with prayer have been know to break through the bondage of hell.

Worship is a human response to a divine intervention !!!!!!!!


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Tuesday, May 18, 2010


The word hisses with the sound of a snake, coiled and ready to strike. Spreading poisoness venom as soon as it leaves the lips. I am anxious to spread painful, false words just because that is who I am. My name is Gossip and I am nobody’s friend. Making up or spreading false reports are strictly forbidden by God. Gossip, slander and false witnessing will undermine families, strain neighborhood relationships and make chaos of trustworthy systems.
Destructive gossip causes problems on all levels of daily life. Even if you do not initiate a lie, you become responsible if you pass it along..Rumors and hearsay are tantalizing, exciting to hear, and make us feel as insiders. But they tear people down. Don’t circulate rumors, squelch them !!
At times, we may be surrounded by people who gossip about us or criticize us. Verbal cruelty can damage us as badly as physical abuse. Rather than answering with hateful words, we can talk with God about the problem.

When faith is greater than fear, faith wins !!!!!!!

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Sunday, May 9, 2010


So often you see the massive ships that are anchored at port and the only thing holding them in place is there anchors. You wonder how the anchors have enough strength to hold the huge ship in place, but they do. Even during a massive storm as the ship gets battered and tossed, the anchors hold. What strength, what dedication !!! We can compare our strength with that of the mighty anchor in our walk with the Lord. Is your strength in the Lord enough to with stand the storms of life? We have all experienced some sort storm in our life, if you haven’t you will. It is a natural part of life. No one goes through life without trials and test, some more than others.
Even the strongest people get tired at times, but God’s power and strength never diminish. He is never to tired or to busy to help and listen. His strength is our source of strength. When you feel all of life crushing you and cannot go another step, remember that you can call upon God to renew your strength. When God sets the anchor in our life, we will not drift off course. When caught in the storms of life, it is easy to think that God has lost control and that we’re at the mercy of the winds of fate. In reality, God is sovereign. He controls the history of the world as well as our personal destinies. Just as Jesus calmed the waves, he can calm whatever storms you face.

If you are going to believe in God in a deeper level, you are going to have to go thru a deeper situation !!!!!!!!!

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Friday, April 30, 2010


A secondary emotion that we all experience time and time again. Anger wears a wide array of mask, but I feel like the primary cause of anger is some type of hurt. We all struggle with anger and it creeps up so rapidly that you can hardly see it coming. It can happen in a split second, boom, your mad. Anger can be directly tied to many other emotions, un-met needs, un-met expectations, insecurity and they all end up with the same result. When you lose something of great value, or if others conspire against you and succeed, anger is the first and most natural reaction. Satan uses the tongue to divide people and pit them against one another.
Idle and hatred words are damaging because they spread destruction quickly and no one can stop the results once they are spoken. We dare not be careless with what we say, thinking we can apologize later, because even if we do, the scars remain. A few words spoken in anger can destroy a relationship that took years to build. But you can control your feelings by recognizing your reaction for what it is, praying for strength, and asking God for help to see the opportunities that even your bad situation may provide.

Aren’t we glad that there is no one recording our words when we lose our temper !!!!!!!

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G.Z. @

Friday, April 23, 2010


We live in a materialistic world where many people serve money. They spend all of their lives collecting and storing it, only to die and leave it behind. Their desire for money and what it can buy far outweighs their commitment to God and spiritual matters. What ever you store up, you will spend much of your time and energy thinking about. Money seen as an end in itself quickly traps us and cuts us off from both God and the needy. The key to using money wisely is to see how much we can use for God’s purposes, not how much we can accumulate for ourselves.
Money is dangerous because it deceives us into thinking that wealth is the easiest way to get everything we want. The love of money is sinful because we trust money rather than God to solve our problems. Those that pursue its empty promises will one day discover that they have nothing because that are spiritually bankrupt. Money has a strange power to lead people into sin. I’m sure we can all think of a situation to where we have seen this happen. Sooner or later we need to stop buying things with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like. Know anyone like that? Some people think they have it all but they really have nothing. When you think of all the things that money cannot buy and death cannot take away, what do you have left ?
Does God’s love touch your wallet? Does your money free you to help others? If so you are storing up lasting treasures in heaven. Can you honestly say that God and not money is your master? One test is to ask yourself which one occupies more of your thoughts, time and efforts!!!!!!!

If time and money were no object,
What would you do for God?

Image reference; purevolume,com


Friday, April 16, 2010

Emotions By Gerald Sr.


Concerns, notions, hopes, fears, dreams, love, hate, sadness, gladness, anxiety, revenge, there are so many emotions that we put our self through each and every day, I’m surprised we don’t blow a fuse. When a cry of despair goes up around us we need to consider the larger picture before we join in. We have better things to use our energy on than all of these fruitless emotions. In the heat of emotion or personal turmoil it is easy to make foolish promises to God. We have all probably done this a time or two. Our promises may sound very sincere and spiritual when we make them, but they may only produce guilt and frustration when we are forced to fulfill them. Making spiritual deals only bring disappointment.
God knows all of the emotions that we experience. The next time strong emotions threaten to overwhelm you, express them openly to God in prayer. This will help us deal with the complete roller coaster of emotions we deal with daily. Be honest and don’t try to hide anything from the savior, he knows and he cares……………..

When you are tempted to get impatient with others, think of how patient God has been with you !!!!!

image reference;

G.Z. @

Thursday, April 8, 2010

FAITH By Gerald Sr.

Thank you for having more faith in me than I have had in myself. I’m sure we have all said these words to someone in our life at one time or another. I know that I have and that person besides the Lord has been my wife. There have been many times in my life when my Faith has been deeply tested. Hard as it my be at times we must trust God in every situation. There are eternal reasons for temporary trails, so be thankful that your destiny is in God’s hands, not in human hands. Faith in God does not make all of our troubles simply disappear it makes troubles appear less frightening because it puts them in the right perspective.
God’s ways are not our ways. Ours are limited and his are not. We need to learn not to ask God to respond to our problems our way. When God intervenes, anything can happen, so much more and so much better than we could ever imagine. There will always be sudden storms that will appear over the surrounding mountains with little or no warning, stirring the water into massive waves in our lives. Sometimes we become preoccupied with problems when we should be looking for opportunities. Instead of focusing on the negative, we should develop an attitude of expectancy. There is only one who can calm the storms that pop up in our lives, the sooner we put our total faith in him the better.

When there is a question, examine the evidence
Read the Bible !!!

Image reference; Light and

G.Z. @