Ecclesiastes 1:1. The author, Solomon referred to himself as the Teacher, or leader of the assembly. He was both assembling people to hear a message and gathering wise sayings. Solomon, one person in the Bible, who had everything (wisdom, power, riches, honor, reputation God’s favor) is the one who discussed the ultimate emptiness of all that this world has to offer. His purpose in this book is to make people realize that their confidence in their own efforts, abilities and righteousness was meaningless . Instead their commitment to God is the only reason for living. Solomon had a purpose for writing skeptically and pessimistically. Near the end of his life, looking back on everything he had done, he saw that most of it seemed meaningless. A common belief was that good people prospered and the wicked suffered, but that hadn’t proven true in Solomon’s experience. Solomon wrote this book after he had tried everything and achieved much, only to find that nothing apart from God made him happy. He wanted his readers to avoid these same senseless pursuits. If we try to find meaning in our accomplishments rather than God, we will never be satisfied, and everything we pursue will become wearisome.
Ecclesiastes 1:2. Solomon’s kingdom, Israel, was in it’s golden age, but Solomon wanted the people to understand that success and prosperity don’t last long. All human accomplishments will one day disappear ,we must keep this in mind in order to live wisely. If we don’t we will become either proud and self-sufficient when we succeed or sorely disappointed when we fail. Solomon’s goal was to show that earthly possessions and accomplishments are ultimately meaningless. Only the pursuit of God brings real satisfaction. We should honor God in all we say, think ,and do.
Ecclesiastes 1:8,11. Many people feel restless and dissatisfied. They wonder: 1. If I am in God’s will. Why am I so tired and unfulfilled? 2. What is the meaning of life? 3. When I look back on it all, will I be happy with my accomplishments? 4. Why do I feel burned out? 5. What is to become of me? Solomon test our faith, challenging us to have true and lasting meaning in God alone. As you take a hard look at your life, as Solomon did his, you will see how important serving God is over all other options. Perhaps God is asking you to rethink your purpose and direction in life.
Ecclesiastes 1:16,18. The more you understand, the more pain and difficulty you experience. For example, the more you know , the more imperfection you see around you, and the more you observe the more evil becomes evident. As you set out with Solomon to find the meaning of life, you must be ready to feel more, think more, question more, hurt more, and do more. Are you ready to pay the price for wisdom???
I am who I am, when I am. I am the same wherever I go.
I don’t change just to please a few, I stay the same to please God.
Image reference:anunworthlyservant.com